Hey guys,
i got the following problem: My innogy-Binding loses connectivity every few days. I need to get a new auth-token to fix the problem. Is there a way, that the connectivity stays forever? It clearly sucks, to reconnect it every 2-3 days, due to auth-key-loss.
Did you install the latest released version? That all 3 day disconnects should be gone.
But there were some changes in the livisi backend around 10 days ago and I saw some changes on github for the binding. Currently, I see reconnects every hour, but that should be fixed with that update. Don’t know when it will be officially released. You could install a dev-version of it. I didn’t and think I’ll wait.
Hey Ollie,
thanks for your fast answer. How do i update to the latest binding-version? My installed version is 2.5.9. I have absolutely no idea.