Problems setting up new Shelly Wave Door/Window sensor

Hi, I have an issue with a new Shelly Wave Door/Window sensor, setting this up correctly. ZWave-JS does discover the sensor and publishes it to MQTT. The sensor appears in OpenHab as a thing:

* firmwareVersion: 10.17.0
* modelId: 0x0100 (Unknown product 0x0081)
* deviceId: zwavejs2mqtt_5F0xe449d1cf_5Fnode229
* vendor: Shelly Europe, Ltd

With the following channels:


The binary_sensor/nodeID_229/door_state_simple should be used for OPEN/CLOSE (ON/OFF). Using a Switch with the channel works, but in the logfile I get:

2024-12-22 15:46:17.985 [WARN ] [t.generic.ChannelStateTransformation] - Executing the JINJA-transformation failed: An error occurred while transformation. InterpretException: Error resolving expression [{22: "Window/door is open",23: "Window/door is closed",5632: "Window/door is open in regular position",5633: "Window/door is open in tilt position"}[value_json.value] | default(value_json.value)]: TemplateStateException: Dict key must be a string or identifier, was: 22. Pattern: '{{ {22: "Window/door is open",23: "Window/door is closed",5632: "Window/door is open in regular position",5633: "Window/door is open in tilt position"}[value_json.value] | default(value_json.value) }}'. Value: '{"time":1734878777972,"value":5632}'

The switch is still changing ON/OFF. If I use a Contact item, it does not work at all. I need a bit of guidance what to do in this case. Is this a missing config/transformation file for this new device, or some MQTT/ZWave JS issue, as the device is also not in the ZWave JS DB, it seems (filed a ticket already). Could I create such a transform myself ?

Thanks in advance for your guidance. Markus

RP4, OH 4.2, ZWave-JS with MQTT

I’d upgrade to OH4.3. There was a lot of work done with the Mqtt/HA binding including allowing numbers as keys.

The other alternative is to use the notification channel with a map transform in OH4.2


Hi, didn’t see that 4.3 was out. Will upgrade this and see, if it doesn’t work I try the other proposal. Probably in a couple of days from now. Thanks.

Hi, I managed finally to upgrade to OH 4.3.1. The new MQTT/HA binding update fixes the errors in the logfiles and I like the new, more precise naming scheme of the channels !

Unfortunately there is an issue, if the node is added first time, switches and covers come “…:switch_1_switch” instead of “…:switch_1”. Same for “…:position_1_cover” instead of “…:position_1”, and one gets errors. A restart does fix this. But if one updates the Thing, e.g. changing the label, the _switch/cover is added again. This is reproducible and should be fix. I file another ticket for this.

This ticket can be closed.

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