Problems with chart a number group

Hi, I am quite new to Openhab2, so today I was trying to use the persistence to show a chart in the basic ui.
First of all I always get the warning:
[el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'rrd4j.persist' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [1,1]: mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting 'Strategies'
But there is definetlly no space or something, what could produce this issue. I am using the Visual Studio Code Editor.

The next issue is that I couldnt get a right working chart out of my programming. There is a chart, but there are no values inside the chart. Sometimes there is a value in the basic ui for the item “Leistung”, but after a while it is just not refreshing any more and stays always on a random fixed value. By the way all of the items in the group are number items. Maybe someone could give me a small hint. Thanks very much in advance for your help.

Openhabian Stable
Binding: RRD4j Persistence

    everyMinute:"0 * * * * ?"
    Leistung : strategy=everyMinute, restoreOnStartup
Group:Number:SUM                  Leistung           "Gesamtleistung"   <energy>   

Some items: (e.g.):

Number    Spuelmaschine_Leistung     "Spuelmaschine Leistung"    <spuelm1> (Leistung)  {channel="avmfritz:........"}


Text item=Leistung label="Gesamtleistung [%.2f W]" icon="energy" 
Chart item=Leistung label="Gesamtleistung [%.2f W]" period=4h refresh=6000

Was it just too less information or does just no one know a solution? I could give you more information if needed.

Try this please:

    Leistung* : strategy=everyMinute, restoreOnStartup

I have a similar error:


Items {
gTemp* : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup


Group		gTemp								"Temperaturverlauf"
Number		Temperatur_EG						"aktuelle Temperatur [%.1f °C]"  					<temperature>           (gTemp)   				{channel="homematic:HmIP-WTH-2:OEQ0310424:000A9709AEEE76:1#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}
Number		Temperatur_Kinderzimmer_Ist			"aktuelle Temperatur [%.1f °C]"						<temperature>			(gTemp)				{channel="homematic:HmIP-eTRV-2:OEQ0310424:000A18A99431E2:1#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}


Chart item=gTemp refresh=60 period=h legend=true

Somebody an idea what’s wrong?


Copied from the Docs

“When charting a group of item, make sure that every label is unique. If the label contains spaces, the first word of the label must be unique. Identical labels result in an empty chart.”
Your labels are are virtually identical!

Ok, thanks!
But now the chart is empty.


Items {
gTemp* : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup


Group		gTemp								"Temperaturverlauf"
Number		Temperatur_EG						"unteres Geschoss"  								<temperature>           (gTemp)   				{channel="homematic:HmIP-WTH-2:OEQ0310424:000A9709AEEE76:1#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}
Number		Temperatur_Kinderzimmer_Ist			"Sophie"											<temperature>			(gTemp)					{channel="homematic:HmIP-eTRV-2:OEQ0310424:000A18A99431E2:1#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}
Number		Temperatur_Schlaf_Ist				"Schlafzimmer"										<temperature>			(gTemp)					{channel="homematic:HmIP-eTRV-2:OEQ0310424:000A18A994354C:1#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}
Number		Temperatur_Bad_Ist					"Bad"												<temperature>			(gTemp)					{channel="homematic:HmIP-eTRV-2:OEQ0310424:000A18A99433A3:1#ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"}

Chart item=gTemp refresh=60 period=h legend=true

What could be the reason?


In this case let’s check from the root.
Can you show charts of a single item? Another test would be to check if there are entries in the database at all. You can check that using the REST API.

I have reboot the RPi and now it seems to work.

Is this normally?

Can’t say, because I don’t what changes you did since the last restart.
If it works, it works!