Problems with the Zstick gen 5 on OS X

Hey guys, I’m hoping someone can help me with the Zstick gen5, i have openhab running and binding to a hue hub and everything is fine but i can’t get the stick to load bindings in habmin.

When looking at the logs i see the zwave service started and refreshing but thats about it, i tried the same conf on a windows machine and it worked fine, fr some reason i can’t get it to work on OSX.

I know i have the right port because i tried inidigo6 an it detected the bindings and associations just fine .

Hi John,

I’m also using the ZStick Gen5 with my openHAB running on OSX without any problems.

I would try the following:

  1. Make sure to use the most up-to-date zwave binding
  2. Start openHAB in Debug-mode to see if there are any detailed information


Thanks man, by any chance are u using habmin?
If not what else are u using to handle the zwave configurations?

Heres my log,

Launching the openHAB runtime in debug mode...
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8001
osgi> 16:38:01.266 [DEBUG] [.s.internal.SchedulerActivator:36   ] - Scheduler has been started.
16:38:01.309 [INFO ] [uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory:1175 ] - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor
16:38:01.347 [INFO ] [rtz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl:61   ] - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
16:38:01.348 [INFO ] [rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler:243  ] - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created.
16:38:01.349 [INFO ] [org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore  :154  ] - RAMJobStore initialized.
16:38:01.351 [INFO ] [rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler:268  ] - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'openHAB-job-scheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED'
  Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally.
  Currently in standby mode.
  Number of jobs executed: 0
  Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 2 threads.
  Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered.

16:38:01.352 [INFO ] [uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory:1324 ] - Quartz scheduler 'openHAB-job-scheduler' initialized from specified file: './etc/'
16:38:01.352 [INFO ] [uartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory:1328 ] - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7
16:38:01.352 [INFO ] [rg.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler:534  ] - Scheduler openHAB-job-scheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
16:38:01.356 [DEBUG] [o.config.core.ConfigDispatcher:146  ] - Processing openHAB default configuration file '/Applications/distribution-1/configurations/openhab_default.cfg'.
16:38:01.414 [DEBUG] [o.config.core.ConfigDispatcher:168  ] - Processing openHAB main configuration file '/Applications/distribution-1/configurations/openhab.cfg'.
16:38:01.443 [DEBUG] [.o.core.internal.CoreActivator:93   ] - UUID file already exists at '/Applications/distribution-1/webapps/static/uuid' with content 'ed05ca59-6d1c-4f9e-bff9-1b528d8ac29c'
16:38:01.444 [DEBUG] [.o.core.internal.CoreActivator:115  ] - Created file '/Applications/distribution-1/webapps/static/version' with content '1.7.1'
16:38:01.444 [INFO ] [.o.core.internal.CoreActivator:61   ] - openHAB runtime has been started (v1.7.1).
16:38:01.479 [DEBUG] [a.internal.AutoUpdateActivator:31   ] - AutoUpdate binding has been started.
16:38:02.653 [DEBUG] [.p.i.PersistenceModelActivator:23   ] - Registered 'persistence' configuration parser
16:38:02.673 [DEBUG] [.c.t.i.TransformationActivator:38   ] - Transformation Service has been started.
16:38:02.729 [DEBUG] [m.internal.MultimediaActivator:34   ] - Multimedia I/O bundle has been started.
16:38:02.760 [DEBUG] [.s.i.DiscoveryServiceActivator:27   ] - Discovery service has been started.
16:38:02.788 [INFO ] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:93   ] - mDNS service has been started
16:38:02.809 [DEBUG] [.io.transport.mqtt.MqttService:123  ] - Starting MQTT Service...
16:38:02.849 [INFO ] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:53   ] - Service Discovery initialization completed.
16:38:03.039 [DEBUG] [.i.internal.ItemModelActivator:24   ] - Registered 'item' configuration parser
16:38:03.184 [DEBUG] [o.o.c.i.items.ItemRegistryImpl:137  ] - Item provider 'GenericItemProvider' has been added.
16:38:04.114 [DEBUG] [.o.m.s.i.SitemapModelActivator:23   ] - Registered 'sitemap' configuration parser
16:38:04.204 [DEBUG] [   ] - REST API has been started.
16:38:04.291 [INFO ] [org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils   :370  ] - META-INF/services/org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework not found in class loader
16:38:04.321 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2601 ] - Atmosphere is using org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor for processing annotation
16:38:04.322 [INFO ] [cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor:138  ] - AnnotationProcessor class org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor$BytecodeBasedAnnotationProcessor being used
16:38:04.337 [WARN ] [cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor:178  ] - Unable to detect annotations. Application may fail to deploy.
16:38:04.372 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1891 ] - Auto detecting atmosphere handlers /WEB-INF/classes/
16:38:04.405 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:639  ] - Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.handler.ReflectorServletProcessor mapped to context-path /* and Broadcaster Class org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster
16:38:04.406 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1945 ] - Auto detecting WebSocketHandler in /WEB-INF/classes/
16:38:04.407 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1602 ] - Installed WebSocketProtocol org.atmosphere.websocket.protocol.SimpleHttpProtocol 
16:38:04.434 [INFO ] [.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor:103  ] - Installing Servlet com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer
16:38:04.547 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:815  ] - Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.18.1 02/19/2014 03:28 AM'
16:38:04.551 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:826  ] - Adding the following classes declared in META-INF/services/jersey-server-components to the resource configuration:
  class org.atmosphere.jersey.AtmosphereResourceConfigurator
16:38:04.601 [INFO ] [j.s.i.a.DeferredResourceConfig:101  ] - Instantiated the Application class
16:38:05.472 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2435 ] - AtmosphereInterceptor CORS Interceptor Support will always be executed first
16:38:05.473 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor CORS Interceptor Support with priority FIRST_BEFORE_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.474 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Default Response's Headers Interceptor with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.475 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Android Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.476 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor SSE Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.477 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor JSONP Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.479 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Atmosphere JavaScript Protocol with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.480 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Browser disconnection detection with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:05.485 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:935  ] - Using EndpointMapper class org.atmosphere.util.DefaultEndpointMapper
16:38:05.487 [WARN ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:941  ] - No BroadcasterCache configured. Broadcasted message between client reconnection will be LOST. It is recommended to configure the org.atmosphere.cache.UUIDBroadcasterCache
16:38:05.488 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:949  ] - Default Broadcaster Class: org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster
16:38:05.488 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:950  ] - Broadcaster Polling Wait Time 100
16:38:05.489 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:951  ] - Shared ExecutorService supported: true
16:38:05.490 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:958  ] - Messaging Thread Pool Size: 10
16:38:05.491 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:968  ] - Async I/O Thread Pool Size: 10
16:38:05.492 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:979  ] - Using BroadcasterFactory: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcasterFactory
16:38:05.493 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:980  ] - Using WebSocketProcessor: org.atmosphere.websocket.DefaultWebSocketProcessor
16:38:05.493 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:990  ] - Invoke AtmosphereInterceptor on WebSocket message true
16:38:05.494 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:991  ] - HttpSession supported: false
16:38:05.495 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:993  ] - Atmosphere is using DefaultAtmosphereObjectFactory for dependency injection and object creation
16:38:05.495 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:994  ] - Atmosphere is using async support: org.atmosphere.container.JettyAsyncSupportWithWebSocket running under container: jetty/8.1.3.v20120522 with WebSocket enabled.
16:38:05.497 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:996  ] - Atmosphere Framework 2.2.5 started.
16:38:05.498 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:998  ] - 

	For Atmosphere Framework Commercial Support, visit or send an email to

16:38:05.500 [INFO ] [  ] - Started REST API at /rest
16:38:05.501 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66   ] - Registering new service _openhab-server._tcp.local. at port 8080
16:38:05.639 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1053 ] - Latest version of Atmosphere's JavaScript Client 2.2.12
16:38:05.639 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1060 ] - 

	Atmosphere Framework Updates:
	Minor Update available (bugs fixes): 2.2.8
16:38:10.570 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66   ] - Registering new service _openhab-server-ssl._tcp.local. at port 8443
16:38:13.365 [INFO ] [.o.u.w.i.servlet.WebAppServlet:79   ] - Started Classic UI at /
16:38:14.042 [DEBUG] [.r.internal.RuleModelActivator:42   ] - Registered 'rules' configuration parser
16:38:14.058 [DEBUG] [m.r.internal.engine.RuleEngine:77   ] - Started rule engine
16:38:17.376 [DEBUG] [   ] - HABmin Interface has been started.
16:38:17.391 [INFO ] [org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils   :370  ] - META-INF/services/org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework not found in class loader
16:38:17.396 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2601 ] - Atmosphere is using org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor for processing annotation
16:38:17.397 [INFO ] [cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor:138  ] - AnnotationProcessor class org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor$BytecodeBasedAnnotationProcessor being used
16:38:17.403 [WARN ] [cpr.DefaultAnnotationProcessor:178  ] - Unable to detect annotations. Application may fail to deploy.
16:38:17.450 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1891 ] - Auto detecting atmosphere handlers /WEB-INF/classes/
16:38:17.467 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:639  ] - Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.handler.ReflectorServletProcessor mapped to context-path /* and Broadcaster Class org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster
16:38:17.467 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1945 ] - Auto detecting WebSocketHandler in /WEB-INF/classes/
16:38:17.470 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1602 ] - Installed WebSocketProtocol org.atmosphere.websocket.protocol.SimpleHttpProtocol 
16:38:17.475 [INFO ] [.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor:103  ] - Installing Servlet com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer
16:38:17.524 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:815  ] - Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.18.1 02/19/2014 03:28 AM'
16:38:17.526 [INFO ] [c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl:826  ] - Adding the following classes declared in META-INF/services/jersey-server-components to the resource configuration:
  class org.atmosphere.jersey.AtmosphereResourceConfigurator
16:38:17.554 [INFO ] [j.s.i.a.DeferredResourceConfig:101  ] - Instantiated the Application class
16:38:18.011 [WARN ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1097 ] - 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.atmosphere.interceptor.DefaultHeadersInterceptor
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal( ~[org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.2.v20130124-134944.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass( ~[org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.2.v20130124-134944.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass( ~[org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.2.v20130124-134944.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass( ~[org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.2.v20130124-134944.jar:na]
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[na:1.6.0_65]
	at org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils.loadClass( ~[atmosphere-runtime-2.2.5.jar:2.2.5]
	at org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework.configureAtmosphereInterceptor( [atmosphere-runtime-2.2.5.jar:2.2.5]
	at org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework.init( [atmosphere-runtime-2.2.5.jar:2.2.5]
	at org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework.init( [atmosphere-runtime-2.2.5.jar:2.2.5]
	at org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet.configureFramework( [atmosphere-runtime-2.2.5.jar:2.2.5]
	at org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet.init( [atmosphere-runtime-2.2.5.jar:2.2.5]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ServletRegistration.init( [org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet_1.1.300.v20120522-1841.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.registerServlet( [org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet_1.1.300.v20120522-1841.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.HttpServiceImpl.registerServlet( [org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet_1.1.300.v20120522-1841.jar:na]
	at [bundlefile:na]
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.6.0_65]
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.6.0_65]
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.6.0_65]
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.6.0_65]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.model.ServiceComponent.activate( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.model.ServiceComponentProp.activate( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.InstanceProcess.buildComponent( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.InstanceProcess.buildComponents( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.Resolver.buildNewlySatisfied( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.Resolver.enableComponents( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.SCRManager.performWork( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.SCRManager$QueuedJob.dispatch( [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at [org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.4.1.v20120926-201320.jar:na]
	at [org.eclipse.equinox.util_1.0.400.v20120917-192807.jar:na]
16:38:18.078 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Android Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:18.081 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor SSE Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:18.081 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor JSONP Interceptor Support with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:18.082 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Atmosphere JavaScript Protocol with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:18.082 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:2404 ] - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Browser disconnection detection with priority AFTER_DEFAULT 
16:38:18.093 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:935  ] - Using EndpointMapper class org.atmosphere.util.DefaultEndpointMapper
16:38:18.094 [WARN ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:941  ] - No BroadcasterCache configured. Broadcasted message between client reconnection will be LOST. It is recommended to configure the org.atmosphere.cache.UUIDBroadcasterCache
16:38:18.094 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:949  ] - Default Broadcaster Class: org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster
16:38:18.094 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:950  ] - Broadcaster Polling Wait Time 100
16:38:18.095 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:951  ] - Shared ExecutorService supported: true
16:38:18.095 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:958  ] - Messaging Thread Pool Size: Unlimited
16:38:18.095 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:968  ] - Async I/O Thread Pool Size: 200
16:38:18.095 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:979  ] - Using BroadcasterFactory: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcasterFactory
16:38:18.096 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:980  ] - Using WebSocketProcessor: org.atmosphere.websocket.DefaultWebSocketProcessor
16:38:18.096 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:990  ] - Invoke AtmosphereInterceptor on WebSocket message true
16:38:18.096 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:991  ] - HttpSession supported: false
16:38:18.096 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:993  ] - Atmosphere is using DefaultAtmosphereObjectFactory for dependency injection and object creation
16:38:18.097 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:994  ] - Atmosphere is using async support: org.atmosphere.container.JettyAsyncSupportWithWebSocket running under container: jetty/8.1.3.v20120522 with WebSocket enabled.
16:38:18.097 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:996  ] - Atmosphere Framework 2.2.5 started.
16:38:18.097 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:998  ] - 

	For Atmosphere Framework Commercial Support, visit or send an email to

16:38:18.097 [INFO ] [  ] - Started HABmin REST API at /services/habmin
16:38:18.098 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66   ] - Registering new service _openhab-server._tcp.local. at port 8080
16:38:18.223 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1053 ] - Latest version of Atmosphere's JavaScript Client 2.2.12
16:38:18.224 [INFO ] [sphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework:1060 ] - 

	Atmosphere Framework Updates:
	Minor Update available (bugs fixes): 2.2.8
16:38:20.811 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66   ] - Registering new service _openhab-server-ssl._tcp.local. at port 8443
16:38:23.544 [DEBUG] [.zwave.internal.ZWaveActivator:36   ] - Z-Wave binding started. Version
16:38:23.563 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:175  ] - ConverterHandler not initialised. Polling disabled.
16:38:23.565 [INFO ] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:325  ] - Update config, port = /dev/tty.usbmodem411
16:38:23.565 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:282  ] - Initialising zwave binding
16:38:23.566 [INFO ] [.service.AbstractActiveService:169  ] - ZWave Refresh Service has been started
16:40:02.407 [DEBUG] [.i.h.s.rule.RuleConfigResource:122  ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'config/rules/model/list' for media type 'null'.
16:40:02.808 [DEBUG] [.i.h.s.s.SitemapConfigResource:127  ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'config/sitemap' for media type 'null'.
16:40:02.822 [DEBUG] [.i.h.s.s.SitemapConfigResource:216  ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'http://localhost:8080/services/habmin/config/sitemap'.
16:40:02.910 [DEBUG] [.h.s.designer.DesignerResource:63   ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'config/designer' for media type 'null'.
16:40:02.911 [DEBUG] [.h.s.designer.DesignerResource:202  ] - Loading Designs.
16:40:02.933 [DEBUG] [.s.p.PersistenceConfigResource:72   ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'config/persistence/services' for media type 'null'.
16:40:02.949 [DEBUG] [.i.h.s.item.ItemConfigResource:72   ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'config/items' for media type 'null'.
16:40:02.963 [DEBUG] [.o.i.h.s.icon.ItemIconResource:75   ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'config/icons' for media type 'null'.
16:40:03.001 [DEBUG] [   ] - Received HTTP GET request at 'bundle' for media type 'null'.

I know the sitemap and items arent loading, its a fresh install (again) but the problem seems to be that the zwave stick is not loadingi the bindings to habmin or habmin is not communicating with the stick i gueess

Thnaks for your time …

Compared to my logs, the zwave binding does not seem to connect to the stick after reading its port from the config file.
I know you already wrote you’re sure to use the right port, but I would double check it. You can simply check this in the terminal by going to your /dev folder and see whether you can find “tty.usbmodem411”. If so, you unplug the stick and check whether you can still find this device in /dev. If yes, you got the wrong port. If it disappeared you got it right.
I’ve a slightly different syntax for my stick. Maybe this helps you too: /dev/usbmodemfa131

Also, there seem to be some problems with the Atmosphere Framework, that I would try to fix.

EDIT: And yes, I’m using habmin, too.


I have the same problem as john. I tested the stick on a mac pro with windows 7 and it works fine and on the same machine with OS X Yosemite i got always the same messages and the z-wave stick ist not visible in habmin.
see my log:

> 17:13:38.670 [DEBUG] [o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl:66   ] - Registering new service _openhab-server-ssl._tcp.local. at port 8443
> 17:13:41.442 [DEBUG] [.zwave.internal.ZWaveActivator:36   ] - Z-Wave binding started. Version
> 17:13:41.458 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:175  ] - ConverterHandler not initialised. Polling disabled.
> 17:13:41.459 [INFO ] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:325  ] - Update config, port = tty.usbmodem1d11
> 17:13:41.460 [INFO ] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:330  ] - Update config, healtime = 2
> 17:13:41.460 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:282  ] - Initialising zwave binding
> 17:13:41.461 [INFO ] [.service.AbstractActiveService:169  ] - ZWave Refresh Service has been started

Thanks Mike

Did anyone figure this out? I have the same problem. The binding starts, the refresh service starts, but nothing else beyond that. I have tried different USB ports, a USB Hub, and nothing seems to work. I am confident I am specifying the right port, as I do an ls on the /dev directory with the stick in, and I see tty.usbmodem1411, I unplug the z-stick, and do an ls on /dev and no tty.usbmodem1411. Plug it back in, and it comes back. Any suggestions? Could there be a permissions problem on any of the files causing problems?

Here is what I get in my log file with Debug on:

Geoffreys-Mac-mini:logs root# tail -f zwave.log
2016-02-02 09:20:21.955 [DEBUG] [.zwave.internal.ZWaveActivator:36 ]- Z-Wave binding started. Version 1.8.0
2016-02-02 09:20:22.005 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:175 ]- ConverterHandler not initialised. Polling disabled.
2016-02-02 09:20:22.006 [INFO ] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:325 ]- Update config, port = /dev/tty.usbmodem1411
2016-02-02 09:20:22.006 [INFO ] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:330 ]- Update config, healtime = 2
2016-02-02 09:20:22.006 [DEBUG] [.z.internal.ZWaveActiveBinding:282 ]- Initialising zwave binding