im running an bashscript which is getting me a json with some events. This works fine and gives me an array back which im writing into a string item. The json is ordered by date.
"id": "5729296",
"id-sort": 5729296,
"name-sort": "gugus",
"id": "5729297",
"id-sort": 5729297,
"name-sort": "bla",
"id": "5729298",
"id-sort": 5729298,
"name-sort": "thirdevent",
Im linked now a second item to that whith Profile JSONPATH
$.[?(@.name-sort =~ /.*thirdevent.*/i)]
The idea is to get out The nextevent which matches the eventname.
But it does not work, stays NULL and also the log gives no hint.
Someone has an idea?