Pull request new version sonnen binding

I added some more functionality to my sonnen binding enabling charging of the battery from the grid as this is, at least in germany, now popular as dynamic tariffs contracts must be offered by electricity providers since 2025.

However, I created for the PR a new branch, made my changes and commit and pushed them. I open the PR and the run was pointing out that some older commits from myself haven’t been signed off properly. Therefore, I used the suggested commands from Github to sign them off. Now the PR included a lot of changes from other authors on other bindings merged into my PR. Can somebody fix that for me as I can’t do it in Github myself or how can this be solved?

This can be tough. On my side when this happens, I would close this PR and create a new one. Not the solution but efficient workaround.

See this topic on how to rebase.

Well, thanks for helping. I just closed the PR and made a new one which was correctly signed from the beginning. Now the new PR looks good to be merged.