Push button, without on off "widget" in sitemap works only on some items

I’m using openhab 4.11 (tested also 4.2 M1) and the android app.
I want to show only a push button instead of the switch with on and off.
Somebody on the forum suggested to use “Mappings” in sitemap.
So i did this:

Switch item=RB_EMPTY	label="" mappings=[ON="Svuota"]
Switch item=RB_EMPTY2	label="" mappings=[ON="Svuota"]

It works but not for all items…
for example with these 2 items:

Switch		RB_EMPTY		"Svuota Roomba"						<dn_button>	 	{channel="exec:command:RB_Autoclean:run", autoupdate="true"}
Switch		RB_EMPTY2		"Svuota Roomba2"					<dn_button>	 	{channel="mqtt:topic:MQTT_FINO:SNAP_GIGIA:update"}

works only for the first, the second still show “on” or “off”
Where is my mistake?
I upload the result.

Some bindings will push label formatting information and others will not. You can suppress that formatting by adding [ ] to the label which should suppress the showing of the Item’s state.

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Thank you very much Rich!