I already posted this to another thread, but as I need more testers and feedback I will open this one. I developed a Pushbullet Binding (and Action). You can send and receive pushes with openhab. Feel free to test and please leave feedback. In previous tests sending messages from openHAB worked without any problems, but receiving was not reliable and til now I don’t know why
unzip the two files to your addons-folder (note: you can use the binding without the action, but you cannot use the action without the binding)
modify your openhab.cfg add:
################################## PushBullet Binding #################################
# accesstoken can be found under settings, when you login to www.pushbullet.com
# choose a device name for your openHAB-Client
# defaultreceiver of your pushes (Nickname of one of your devices)
items can be defined by adding this to your items file:
String pb {pushbullet="item:<itemName>"} (example: String pb {pushbullet:"item:light"})
if you want to send a message to openHAB, go to your pushbullet app, choose openHAB as receiver and send a message: <itemName>:<value> (example: light:on)
if you want openHAB to send a message, you can simply call:
sendPushToDefaultDevice(String message)
sendPushToSpecificDevice(String deviceNickName, String message)
At the moment it’s not possible to send pushes to all devices in one account. This will be added in a later version.