Pushover Actions

This block library allows to integrate with thing actions provided by the pushover binding.
(Currently only a subset of the available actions is implemented yet.)


Send Message

Will send a basic message to the configured account with a default title openHAB, which can be overwritten

Send URL Message

Will send a message with a configurable title to the configured account.
The message will have a url at the bottom, which can be opened from pushover directly.

Send Priority Message

Will send a priority message which has to be accknowledged.

Priority can be configured in 5 available levels. (Defaults to 2)


Note: Cancelling and handling action return values is not supported currently.


Version 1

  • Added all available Actions except for canceling priority Messages

Version 0.2

  • Changed fixed sendMessage title to a configurable one
  • Added sendUrlMessage
  • Added sendPriorityMessage

Version 0.1

  • initial (beta) release




Added 2 additional blocks for sending urls and priority messages.


Thanks a lot for this list of actions!!

Would it be possible for you to add a new entry for sendAttachmentMessage() ? This would be very handy.

Guy T.


yes of course. :slight_smile:
I don’t use this personally, but will add it next days.

I have added all available Pushover actions except cancelPriorityMessage now.

Also i added some standard content-types for the sendAttachmentMessage as a dropdown.
If there are any additional types needed i can expand the dropdown of course.

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