Pushover image support


Just read that Pushover now supports images, anyone skillfull enough to create a PR with this support? :innocent:

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I have a personal interest in that feature too. If I find time, I will look into it.

// EDIT: I filed an issue for the new feature.

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@cweitkamp May I be the ā€œTrittbrettfahrerā€ here :slight_smile:
If you feel the interest, Iā€™d also like to see the feature to cancel a message. Additionally it might be useful to retrieve the acknowledged callback data. https://pushover.net/api#receipt

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@ThomDietrich Of course. Sounds interesting. I will put it onto my TODO list.

The cancellation of a message should be possible but we have to introduce it as an APIBreaking change. Currently all pushover actions return a boolean value to indicate if the delivery of a message was successful or not. This return value has to be changed to String for those actions capable of sending emergency-priority notifications to return the receipt which is a unique identifier for the message. This is needed to cancel a specific message.

The acknowledged data will be quite challenging. We have to poll the Pushover API to access it. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but this is currently not possible with the ESH/OH actions API. Only when implementing bindings. And again we need the receipt idea for it. :wink:

I had the same API breaking change problem in mindā€¦

You could define a new function (like sendPushoverMsg()) alongside pushover() and deprecate pushover() over time (I never really liked the ambiguity of the name). That would be a fair solution for all usersā€¦
On the other side it might be a bit short-sighted to exchange boolean for String now, which could be a limiting factor next time a new idea comes around. So the solution might anyhow be as easy as defining sendPushoverEmergencyMsg()


Regarding acknowledged: I was not yet sure what to use it forā€¦ so donā€™t sweat it. :smiley:

I second your suggestion. New actions named sendPushoverEmergencyMsg() - skips the priority parameter and returns the receipt as String - and cancelPushoverEmergencyMsg(). Iā€™m going to write down our thoughts in the issue.

// EDIT:

Iā€™m going to write down our thoughts in the issue.


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While at it, maybe add other sendPushover...Msg() functions to be in sync with the new approach? Also I wonder if ā€œMsgā€ should be exchanged by ā€œNotiā€ or similar.

Other action bundles use sendMail(), sendTelegram() and so on. Maybe only sendPushover() and sendPushoverEmergency()?

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Excellent point. Iā€™m a sucker for consistency :wink: :smile:

For me itā€™s the opposite: I try to keep consistency and stringency all along the way. :sweat:

Nice to hear that someone will implement the attachment feature. Now Iā€™ll be able to view my ipcam snapshot directly when someone is at the door :slight_smile:


I would also love to see the glances API implemented. It would be best to have a snippet on my Apple Watchā€¦


Is there already any progress regarding the ā€˜push imagesā€™ feature?

Sry, not yet. Too busy in the last couple of weeks. But my points on the TODO list reaches this one.

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Nice to hear! thanks :slight_smile:

this would be great for door open = snapshot on phone. looking forward to this!

Just wanted to throw the hat in the ring and say that I am super keen for this feature to be implemented into the Binding.
So happy you are working on it. Looking forward to it!

there is already a PR for it: https://github.com/openhab/openhab1-addons/pull/5527

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As it looks like the documentation hasnā€™t been updated yetā€¦ can you help me out with quick example codeā€¦?
EDIT-> Ok, just learned what a GitHub Pull Request wasā€¦

Let me know how you go!

Can I download your GitHub PR files and test them in my openhab? @andre77

Nice! thanks!

If we need to test the new binding, Iā€™m willing to try. Just provide me the jar file :slight_smile: