Putting Together DateTime on Variable

I’m getting this error using some code from @rlkoshak I found on the forum.

2024-01-30 19:40:56.149 [ERROR] [internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID 'home-3' failed: An error occurred during the script execution: Could not invoke method: java.time.ZonedDateTime.withHour(int) on instance: 2024-01-30T19:40:56.147866581+01:00[Europe/Berlin] in home

This syntax works fine when set the hour and minute as a number:


If you try to add any variable into the mix then I get the error above. It can be a item variable or a on the fly variable, same result. Tried Number and String assignment for the variable, No go. Tried ‘as Number’ and .toString(), No go.


Any ideas?

Best, Jat

This is Rules DSL?

You are working with a raw Java Class. So you don’t get any “magic” type conversion done for you. .withHour(), per the [docs](ZonedDateTime (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) requires a primitive int. It can’t be a Number, it can’t be a String or a DecimalType or a BigDecimal. It must be an int.

But Rules DSL wants everything to be a BigDecimal and will convert stuff to become a BigDecimal for you whether you want it to be or not.

  1. Number variable: now.withHour(DummyHour.intValue)
  2. State of an Item: now.withHour((MyItem.state as Number).intValue)
  3. Result of a calculation involving a variable: now.withHour((DummyHour + 7).intValue)

It’s stuff like this which, once Blockly became viable, has caused me to no longer recommend Rules DSL for any new development. I also recommend when you need to update a rule, consider migrating it to Blockly or one of the other languages. The advantages Rules DSL once had have long since been surpassed and Rules DSL is now a quite inferior rules language.

In Blockly the line above would look like:

The blue “5” there shows the block you would use to insert the variable or a calculation instead of hard coding the number.

In JS Scripting it would look like this:


jRuby will have an equally concise line of code for this.

Thank you! Working on a clients new OH installation overseas remotely and this was a requirement I could NOT figure out for the life of me.

Best, Jay