Q/A on widget oh-label-cell

playing around with widgets and got following questions:

  1. I can’t figure out how to change the background image of that widget (pic1).
    I tried background-image and backgroundImage on different lines, none is working…
    how does one know which is the correct syntax for changing the image?

  2. the windspeed item is set to %.1f km/h, why is it reported different inside the widget?

  3. what do the three dots in the top right corner mean (pic1)?
    I configured a pop-up to appear, this works fine as long as I click anywhere an the widget.
    when clicking on the three dots I get a wired mix of the label-cell & weather widget, see pic2

  4. how do I get that widget onto my semantic model home page?



 component: oh-label-cell
   background-image: /static/Haus.jpg
   footer: "='Windspeed: ' + items.localCurrentWindspeed.state"
   action: popup
   actionModal: widget:weather_card
   actionModalConfig: {}
   trendItem: localCurrentApparentTemp
   item: localCurrentApparentTemp
   title: Wetter
   subtitle: "='Humidity: ' + items.localCurrentHumidity.state"
 slots: null

Ad 2.
Change items.localCurrentWindspeed.state to items.localCurrentWindspeed.displayState

1 Like

many thanks! that solves pt 2

  background-image: /static/Haus.jpg
  footer: "='Windspeed: ' + items.localCurrentWindspeed.state"
  expandable: false
  action: popup
  actionModal: widget:weather_card
  actionModalConfig: {}
  trendItem: localCurrentApparentTemp
  item: localCurrentApparentTemp
  title: Wetter
  subtitle: "='Humidity: ' + items.localCurrentHumidity.state"
    - component: oh-image
        url: https://source.unsplash.com/random/rain
          width: 100%
          height: 100%
          object-fit: cover
  1. use the background slot to put a oh-image like above
  2. cf @smarthomepch’s answer
  3. add expandable: false (unfortunately it’s a f7 parameter so it’s not documented/autocompleted yet)
  4. open the editor for the Overview page, click Add Block, then Add Cells, then choose your personal widget in the menu.

ad1) background appears but trendline is gone. is it behind the background picture and how to get it in front?

ad4) hmm, this is not listed as personal widget. I just edited a Label-cell from the standard Library
and I don`t find the Add Block and Cell on the HomePage Layout site:

new question 5: need to change the font color from black to white so I thought I need to overwrite the oh-label-cell defaults with

     color: white

right in the config part of the component. but for sure it didn’t work. how to change the text color?


Did you solve this? I’m running into the same issue.

same issue for me, can anyone help us?

thanks a lot!

EDIT: with this code i managed to have the background but not able to resize it:

component: oh-label-cell
  trendItem: LocalWeatherandForecast_VelocitaVento
    - red
    - orange
    - yellow
  action: group
  actionGroupPopupItem: eStazioneMeteo
  item: LocalWeatherandForecast_VelocitaVento
  title: Velocità vento
  expandable: false
  trendStrokeWidth: 3px
  icon: f7:wind
    background: url(/static/Vento.jpg)
    filter: opacity(100%)
    width: 100%
    height: 100%
    top: 0
    left: 0
    z-index: 1
slots: null

Change items.localCurrentWindspeed.state to items.localCurrentWindspeed.displayState

I was looking for this. Thanks a lot!