Question on iCalendar Trigger Behavior

I seem to be losing triggers on events that span multiple locations.

Thing  icalendar:eventfilter:CalFeed_OCD1 "CalFeed_OCD1" (icalendar:calendar:bridge20220825) [textEventValue="d1",               maxEvents=1, datetimeUnit="HOUR", datetimeStart=0, datetimeEnd=1, datetimeRound=false, textEventField="LOCATION", textValueType="TEXT"]
Thing  icalendar:eventfilter:CalFeed_OCK4 "CalFeed_OCK4" (icalendar:calendar:bridge20220825) [textEventValue="K4",               maxEvents=1, datetimeUnit="HOUR", datetimeStart=0, datetimeEnd=1, datetimeRound=false, textEventField="LOCATION", textValueType="TEXT"]
LOCATION:Admin Building: d1\, K4 Middle School Room\, K5 High School Room

Sometimes I get all of the events. I’ll be monitoring closely with more debugging, but any comments are appreciated.

If the location were passed through on a channel, that could be parsed in a rule instead of relying on the filter. Heck, just pass all of the event JSON through on a channel.

I minimized my groups and ran a test, and everything triggered correctly. It’s not a bug in the iCalendar plugin. I seem to have a problem with my group definitions.

There isn’t even the start to enough information here to even begin to understand what’s going on. You show the Things but not the Items, apparently there are Groups?, nor the rules which seem to be losing the triggers. There are no logs. No description of the expected behavior. :person_shrugging:

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