Question on zwave binding (fibaro sensor) [SOLVED]

Hi, I have a fibaro multi sensor (motion sensor Z-Wave [FGMS-001] ), I use it also for actions based on temperature, but I realized that the sensor presents an errore greater than one centigrade. According to the operating manual it should be possible to change the off-set parameter (+ or -), but when I try to do it, the “thing” (Paper UI) mask says that I can enter only positive numbers.
Any suggestion to solve the issue? thanks

That parameter is not correctly configured in the database, it was set to “0-65535”, I changed it to -1000-1000

You now need to wait for the changes to get merged into the binding and then change your zwave binding to the snapshot version …

thanks Sihui, very efficient (Christmas!)

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After the installation of the new snaphot version (binding-zwave - 2.3.0.SNAPSHOT), I realized that only temperature, luminance and battery send response to Opehab2. The motion and tamper sensor does not work anymore.
Furthermore I noted that the change of the parameters of the “thing” does not affect the behavior of the sensor, and the log (events log) seems quite strange:

[18:17:36] root@pi:/home/openhabian# tail -f /var/log/openhab2/events.log
2018-01-13 18:16:43.346 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'zwave:device:557b3309:node4' has been updated.
2018-01-13 18:16:43.351 [vent.ConfigStatusInfoEvent] - ConfigStatusInfo [configStatusMessages=[ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=group_5, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=group_4, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=group_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=group_3, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=group_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=wakeup_node, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_16_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_18_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_12_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_14_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_64_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_87_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_20_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_40_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_86_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_62_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_42_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_60_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_83_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_82_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_81_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_80_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=wakeup_interval, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_1_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_2_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_6_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_8_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_28_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_29_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_9_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_3_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_22_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_4_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_24_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_25_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_66_2, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null], ConfigStatusMessage [parameterName=config_89_1, type=PENDING, messageKey=null, arguments=null, message=null, statusCode=null]]]

Perhaps something wrong with my settings, or the sensor is broken (quite unlikely), or … Any idea?

For motion you need to link the alarm_motion channel to your item, for tamper the alarm_tamper.
Don’t forget to wake the sensor up several times …

After a lot of attempts my fibaro continue to show incorrect behavior, I do not know if for an incorrect use of zwave binding, for something wrong with the sensor itsels or for other reasons.
I removed the sensor many times starting from scratch (including stopping openhab service and deleting cache and tmp), the automatic discovery find any time the sensor:

The wakeup is set at 3600 sec.
Here the paper UI ( I do not know why the items are double)

Items (I tried also the syntax suggested at, but it does not work)

// Number Sensor_binary_motion3_new "onoff multisensore 1" <poweroutlet> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:sensor_binary"}
Switch Sensor_binary_motion3_new "onoff multisensore 1" <poweroutlet> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:sensor_binary"}
// Number Movement "Movement: [%s]" <present> { zwave="4:command=sensor_binary" }
Switch Sensor_alarm_motion3_new "alarm multisensore 1" <alarm> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:alarm_motion"}
Switch Sensor_alarm_general_node4 "alarm multisensore node4" <alarm> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:alarm_general"}
// Number Sensor_temperature3 "Temperature: [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {zwave="4:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=1"} 
Number Sensor_temperature3 "Office Temperature [%.1f] °C" <temperature> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:sensor_temperature"}// ["CurrentTemperature"]
Number Sensor_luce "Office Luminance [%.1f] " <temperature> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:sensor_luminance"}
Number Sensor_manomissione "manomissione sensore studio [%.1f] " <alarm> {channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:alarm_tamper"}

Some of the rules I inserted for testing purposes
rule "test1"
	Item Sensor_alarm_general_node4 changed from OFF to ON
	logInfo ("test1", "Sensor_alarm_general_node4 " +Sensor_alarm_general_node4.state)
rule "test2"
	Item Sensor_alarm_motion3_new changed from OFF to ON
	logInfo ("test2", "Sensor_alarm_motion3_new " +Sensor_alarm_motion3_new.state)
rule "test3"
	Item Sensor_binary_motion3_new changed from OFF to ON
	logInfo ("test3", "Sensor_binary_motion3_new " +Sensor_binary_motion3_new.state)

No alarm works (while fibaro sensor shows the coloroured lights as usual). Only temperature. luminance and battery seems working.
Furthemore if I add the Alexa tag on the temperature item, the item value is always NaN.
Any suggestion before I consider that the sensor is broken?
@sihui, can you explain me more precisely how I can wake the sensor up ?

Press the inner button (right next to the battery) three times rapidly, the light should start glowing blue then.

Thanks sihui, it was as I imagined, I did it many times, so now I guess my sensor has something wrong; did you have the opportunity to check my setting? any evident error? thanks

I have no idea where you got all the channels from …

As I already stated: link alarm_motion channel to a switch item type and you should be fine.

Also make sure your config parameter 12 is set to Basic on/off.

sihui, the channels are automatically provided by the INBOX discovery.
The basic on/off is set to 0
and you can check above that, as you suggest, the item of type switch “Sensor_alarm_motion3_new” is linked to channel="zwave:device:557b3309:node4:alarm_motion, whose change of state is checked by the rule “test2”.
But nothing happens, so I decided to return the sensor to the provider.

By chance yesterday I had removed the battery, this morning I reinserted it and all work again! [SOLVED]

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