Rain sensor binding recommendation


What thing / binding would you recommend to track the quantity of rainfall?


I only know two solutions (don’t DIY)

One Z-Wave Rain Sensor (Popp Z-Rain)

And one from Homematiic (Homematic IP Weatherstation Plus)

I have the Z-Rain Sensor but i haven’t tested it with openhab (should work).

If you want to build one by your self, there are some guides in the Internet with arduino (https://www.mysensors.org/build/rain)

I hope this will help you.

It’s also worth reading this:

I’ve thinking about building a weather station at some point. I’m probably going to go DIY but based on my research for rain sensing you need two sensors.

The seesaw type sensor will tell you how much rain you have received. But you need something like https://www.gearbest.com/other-accessories/pp_1802002.html?wid=1433363&currency=USD&vip=4444999&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjbveBRDVARIsAKxH7vnnhwkWFcxNKl_mif7aRgwSYt-M7KFS-AHThmx0IDQND8HE7MV10OEaAvL8EALw_wcB to detect when the rain starts and stops immediately.

Good luck!