Raspberry Pi OS, Samba problem

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry pi 4
    • OS: Linux on RPI 4
    • Java Runtime Environment: Java 11 installed.
    • openHAB version: 3.0
  • Issue of the topic: Network Sharing setup (Samba section).

Hello guys, I have moved from rpi3+b to RPI 4 (4gb) and now I’ve installed oh 3.0, the Stable version and it’s the Linux version as well because I’ve installed on my rpi 4 , a Resbery OS.
So I’ve tried to search for answers and help all over the forum, I’ve found a bit information, but this is the openHAB guide I follow:

Everything is okay till the Network Sharing Section.

  • What I want to do is to be able share my files with Visual Studio and to be able to edit files as well.

I’ve notice that I need to install Samba, that what I’ve done, but I’ve miss the configration file and I can’t reach to this command
sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf

this because the file is missing… I’ve tried to Unistall , I cant find any information about this , I try google this problem and search it on the forum didn’t find me any answer, I just need the missing file to be able to change it to Yes.

And the final things I want to achive is that first Visual studio will work with my Respian OS that have OH 3.0, and mqtt that will work with Broadlink and if it’s possible on 3.0.

Thank you so much for any kind of help!

Do you use openhabian-config to install Samba ?
In case you don’t you need to do manual configuration of the samba service.
Which packages are installed ( dpkg -l | grep samba ) ?
What does

dpkg -S smb.conf

return ?

You installed Samba from somewhere using an unknown method and cannot find its configuration file.

This has nothing to do with OpenHAB and is off-topic for this forum. Ask on a Raspberry OS or Samba forum.

The fact OpenHAB is installed has no relevance to your issue. The fact you did not install OpenHABian says you thought you did not need the easy path.

@Wolfgang_S Hi, first , thank you, about the openhabian-config, I didn’t try that this way, I’ve followed step by step on the openhab guide I mention , till the Network Sharing section (in the guide) and can’t find a solution for this, I think openhab 3.0 maybe it’s too new for me and with my knowladge I may not handle it well… I think I need to move to openhab 2.4 or 2.5 , can you tell me the recommanded OH version for RPI 4 , and Raspberry PI OS ? and I will try your answer once I will be back home, before I will decide to go another verison.

@Bruce_Osborne About your answer , maybe my english is not the best you can find, but I mention the guide that I follow throw the Openhab website, So you know exactly how I’ve installed Samba and if you even read what I post, you should understand it, “This has nothing to do with Openhab” Not correct as well, as I said I’ve been follow openhab guide that GUIDE me to install Samba for Network sharing WITH Openhab, so of course there is something with openhab here that I can’t figure it out, so yes basicly I can’t network share with openhab with my raspberry OS , how that is not relevant I reall dont know, And expept telling me what I did worng maybe help me and tell me what I need to do right?
I don’t agree with you anyway.

Perhaps I was a little harsh. you are not using the recommended installation for the Raspberry Pi. As stated in the documentation:

The Raspberry Pi as a minimal sufficient device is quite popular, especially as we offer a quick setup with openHABian. A popular alternative is our solution for the Synology DiskStation, which many users already own in their homes. The previously mentioned openHABian can also be used to kickstart your openHAB experience on existing Debian/Ubuntu based Linux systems.

The recommended guide for the Raspberry Pi is to use the supported openHABian image. It is based on the Raspberry OS and simplifies common OH setup and optional tasks, including SAMBA.

you may try to run

dpkg-reconfigure samba-common

this should create a copy of the default file that is included in the samba-common package and starts a dialog for the configuration of the workgroup.
Afterwards you should be able to open the file in an editor.
Doing the configuration / installation by using openhabian-config has the advantage that you get a working configuration by default.

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