vars is not part of a strong when referencing the input variable, it is the variable object. So, that portion of the expression must not be inside quotes. You want to access to the key in the vars object that you build from the string literal and the loop index. When you access a dynamic key name like that you put that inside [ ]. So, in this case you want:
If I configurate the save-button as part of the oh-repeater, I can write each input to each preset-item.
But if I drop this button outside the oh-repeater, it’s not able to read the value.
I know, why it has no access to the value, but how can I get all (5) oh-inputs written into my 5 preset-items?
The best way to do this is to this is to run a rule from the widget and pass the input variables to the rule using the rule context property of the rule action. The rule can then process the values however you wish and send the results to any items.
It is possible to do this all within the widget system however, so the fully widget way of doing this would follow
But will be kind of ridiculous for five separate items.