Read value from KNX heating actuator

In my experience with my own KNX installation as well as discussions with other members installations I’ve came to the conclusion, that there is no bridge configuration that will work a 100% in all situations. My feeling tells me that different vendors KNX IP interfaces simply have different implementations and therefore show different behavior.

That said, I can only say that my MDT based IP interface in a quite old software version (MDT KNX IP Router, SCN-IP100.01, software version 1.0) works best in the router mode. I never got it to work with tunnel mode.

I guess you simply have to try and error your configuration until you found something working. Good advice is always to restart OpenHAB and do some test, before assuming that a given configuration is better than others you have tried.

You can refer to one of my previous posts, like this one: to get my configuration.

If I do a disable/enable cycle the KNX thing (the heating actor), I can the the relevant bus messages in the group monitor like this:

So OpenHAB issues a group read telegram coming from the device 0.0.0 (the router) and is answered by the heating actor and send back to OpenHAB.