Recommend Smart Meter direct behind Power Socket

i would like to install power meter direct behind the power socket. I want to use Zigbee and it must be compatible with oH. Any recommendations and experiences?

Why not use Shelly PM series ?
They use WiFi, fully openHAB supported and they are not expensive…

i dont want to use IOT in same Network as clients and i dont want to build up a second Wlan. While i switch from homematic to zigbee, i want to use one standard.

You’re making your life quite a bit harder than it needs to be… why not grab another router then? A cheap one to get it on a different network?
Between I’ve been looking for zigbee power meter relays and I got nothing to show for it.

Only one router would not be enough, because of 2 floors. What do you think about this one: Tuya Smart ZigBee 16A

I’ve never had one to test. The reviews seem decent but it might not be picked up by the openHAB zigbee integration if it’s not fully zigbee standard compliant.
If you get one please share your feedback, that concept it quite interesting for zigbee as I would expect it also works as a zigbee router.

To be honest, I don‘t like all this tuya stuff at all.
Edit: Just checked the video, Tuya/Smartlife App needed, so it is cloud based, absolute no go for me.

Ok what would you use instead of tuya stuff? I thought if its zigbee than i can pair it with my hub and it will work. If not, its a no go. I dont want cloud connection too.

Don‘t know, I am not into Zigbee stuff, just started with moving my door/window sensors away from Max!, so i can eliminate my Cube and need for homegear. Most devices I use are Shelly‘s, nearly 50 in my network now.

You could consider upgrading your network infrastructure to something like UniFi access points. That would allow you to have a few spread across your house, and they can serve both home and IoT WiFi SSIDs that could then be handled differently.
Yes, I know that’s a lot of work when your current objective is a smart power meter. But I am not personally convinced it’ll be easy to do everything you want in Home Automation without a single WiFi-connected IoT device that you will want on a separate WLAN.