Recover deleted files

Hi together,

I wanted to delete one items file and instead I deleted the complete folder. Is there a easy way to get the folder back?

Platform information:

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 1.3 with RaspBee and ETH / USB Hub HAT
OS: RaspBerry OS light (10.4)
Java Runtime Environment:
    Openjdk version “1.8.0_212”
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-8u212-b01-1+rpi1-b01)
    OpenJDK Client VM (build 25.212-b01, mixed mode)
openHAB version: 2.5.5

Thanks in advance

Ouch. Sorry no there is not unless you have setup a backup procedure as it is part of openHABian.

Thanks. I wanted to wait until all is working like I want till I backup my system. Next time I will do it after every couple of working hours :slight_smile:

Setup Amanda then you can forget about as it’ll backup everything daily (or on manual start).