Btw, there is a Linux program out there called Heyu. It is designed to be a Linux X10 RF/Powerline interface. It has the ability to read a rfxcom (and more) and then execute code upon receipt. I used it for years for my old X10 setup before moving to openHAB/Insteon. I still use it to receive X10 rf and publish the receipt of those signals to the MQTT bus for use in openHAB.
Interesting this program thanks for the info I suppose that the RFXCOM can be replaced on the Pi by a XD RF 5V and a FS1000A, (I’m a little bit afraid by the price of the rfxcom).
At the begining of my design phase I was thinking about putting the RF emitter and receiver directly on the PI, nevertheless I decided to let low level security functions on an arduino for reliability reasons. The alarm ring and some actions are not Pi dependent and handled directly by the arduino. If the Pi fail or hang the arduino will continue to do important functions.
Yep interesting mostly for the number of 433mhz protocols supported, it s a pity it doesn’t support mqtt. Integrating it with other system than domoticz would be easy with this protocol.
Did you get some more recent information ?
Is the binding still under development? Just askin’ because I’ve just received my RFLink card. Could be cool to be able to use it now
Very well your work, ethernet gateway receives well the codes 433Mhz.
I am on a PI with OH2 and I do not understand where are entered the data and how to return an order.
I installed MQTT bindding and MQTT Action in PaperUI but I can not find how to connect it.
You need only binding-mqtt1 - 1.9.0 in paperUI installed.
After you have to create the switchs in items file that will send the information (and receive if you want to update their states corresponding to a remote button press)
Take a look at this article it can be applied to OpenHAB2 also:
Finally, my system works well but is not compatible with HABPanel.
I explain myself and maybe I made a mistake somewhere.
On a console, I type “mosquitto_sub -t home / 433toMQTT”.
When I press a key on the remote control, I have a code that appears on the console and on the serial monitor, the Switch icon on HABPanel reflects the status. At this point, the plugs are controlled normally.
I now type “mosquitto_pub -t home / MQTTto433 / -m 329044”. This controls the plugs and is displayed on the serial monitor. The Switch icon on HABPanel does not change.
Finally, I click on the “Switch” icon on HABPanel, the icon changes state but nothing on the console and nothing on the monitor serie. Of course, the plugs do not work.
My item’s file:
Switch Salon “Lampes Salon” {mqtt=">[oh2: home/MQTTto433:command:ON:329041],>[oh2:home/MQTTto433:command:OFF:329044],<[oh2: home/433toMQTT:command:ON:329041],<[oh2: home/433toMQTT:command:OFF:329044]"}
Is there a way to show that the OpenMQTTGateway is up/online via the MQTT feed from mosquitto in an openhab sitemap ? messing with some 433Mhz devices, progress being made, excellent Project , thanks
Yes add a switch to your item file: Switch GatewayAlive "MQTT ESP32 Alive" {mqtt="<[broker:home/OpenMQTTGateway/LWT:state:ON:Online],<[broker:home/OpenMQTTGateway/LWT:state:OFF:Offline]"}