RFLink binding


I installed your binding and have got currently only one temperature sensor. I have checked it with domoticz, where RFlink is fully supported, and temperature is read out correctly. I checked there ID, compared it with the frame I received in RFLink Loader (was the same) and used it in things file, but unfortunately in OH temperature is not updated and even not read out at all. Could you help me? I am pasting frame from RFLink loader: 20;06;GlobalTronics;ID=00cd;TEMP=0121;HUM=19;BAT=OK;

I noticed with our garage somfy motor that rflink seems to be sending twice. Result is motor starts open/close but will then stop after a second.

Same result is achieved wirh original remote if button is pressed again.

On next command motor will go the other way but stops again. Is there any limit i can set with either the binding or in the rflink ? Any way to debug whether two commands are actually being sent?

It was the same with the mqtt gateway thus I suspect an issue with rflink itself?!

Hello @AndrewZ. I like your simple setup. Tried it with my Lacrosse temperature device and it work pretty well.

My real goal however is to control my rollershutter. I know the exact string I need to send to RFlink to control it. Could you help me implemented it in OH using your simple serial setup? For example, to start moving the motor in the up position, I need to send the following command to the serial port connected to RFLink: 10;BrelMotor;f377cc;05;UP;

Currently I’m only able to receive an manage information coming from the serial port when I use the remote control of that rollershutter.

The documentation of the serial biding lists examples for this use case: Serial - Bindings | openHAB. There is even an example for a rollershutter item.

A simple item to just send a command could look like this, you need to define it in an .items file:

Switch RFCommand “RF Command” { autoupdate=“false”, serial=“/dev/ttyUSB0@57600,ON(10;BrelMotor;f377cc;05;UP;\n)” }

Don’t forget the “\n” at the end of the command.

Just perfect! Your example fixed my issue. I merged all the up, down and stop command in the Rollershutter item as you proposed.
One more question about serial link: I don’t know why but the RFLink board is not detected always at the same port. At reset, sometimes RFLink board is linked at /dev/ttyUSB0 and sometimes at /dev/ttyAMA0.

I need to switch item files fromt time to time. Curiously, I have a X10 transceiver, a Milight transceiver and a Zwave stick hookup on the same Raspberry controller and those piece of hardware stayed at the same port all the time. Do you have an idea what cause this issue?

I don’t know what causes this issue.
But you should be able to avoid it by assigning names/aliases to the devices.
See the third bullet point of the section “Linux” here: https://www.openhab.org/docs/administration/serial.html

This is very strange… but I think it could be solved easily using device aliases
like this : https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/PersistentUSBDevices

So :
1> create a rule to create an alias named tty_RfLink (for instance)
2> refer to this tty_Rflink in your OpenHab configuration
3> enjoy :slight_smile:

I did some testing with the RFlink binding on 2.5 M4 and 2.5 M5 in both versions I had issues getting the binding to go online after startup, it was working if the bridge was enabled after openhab had started up.
Read the post here
Did anybody else experience the same thing ?

Hi Ben,

thanks for script!
I have authentificatio on mqtt. How can i use it with this script?


Yep, also with the stable release (2.5.1) I have the same issue. Sending only works once, but I could see serial messages being received by the rflinkconnector.

Can someone build this binding for me ?

I also need this, but cannot use serial binding since I use the RFL binding for other items. Do you know a solution?

Was able to make the Rollershutters work along with all my other items with inspiration from AndrewZ. Thanks a lot!

Hello Bigbug,
Can you share how you send the string tot the rflinkraw item? Looking for the same thing.

It is described in the post I quoted. Use there serial binding and this item:

String RFLinkRaw “RFLink raw data [%s]” { serial="/dev/ttyUSB0@57600" }

Has someone a compiled version of the latets rflink for me?

I do only have version 2.3 but it works for me:
RF-link 2.3.0

I am using OH 2.6 at the moment.

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thank you, i will try it :grinning:

Anybody already created a version for OH3?
Now building slowly building up an OH3 server and would be wonderful to also include the Rflink :slight_smile:

Would really like to use this with OH3. Can anyone build a version from the source and fix the dependencies?