RFXcom binding with Brel/Dooya bidirectional motor


I am trying to configure a Brel bidirectional motor in the RFXcom binding but realized this is not supported yet in the binding. It works perfectly through RFXmgr with a RFXtrx433XL. While I posted a feature request, I am wondering if anyone found a workaround to get this working?


Are you aware that with rfxtrx you can record the signal sequences to a raw thing and play this sequence with the connected item? Of course you need a remote control or similar to grab the signal from.
This works very well with my not supported warema shutters.

Hi there

I went down the https://www.rflink.nl/ route, with a receiver/transmitter.
Recently had some issue with python? re the RFLinkGateway service, so replaced that MQTT functionality with Node RED writing to the Serial port … (NR and RFLINK device are on the same RPi as OH)

works like a dream


Hi Roger,

Thanks I did not know about Rflink. I checked it out but found it does not support the bidirectional BREL motors (they explicitely state it in the documentation).


Hi Larsen,

Yes I am aware of that but for some reason the RFXcom did not show anything when in capture mode. Maybe I did something wrong. Will give that another try.

In the meantime I am trying a solution by using node js RFXcom with a small API in conjunction with JS rules. First tests are looking good so far.


First I would try to enable all protocols except undecoded, then use the remote control and see if a thing is discovered.

If that doesn’t work you can try the raw way. But remember to disable your protocol so that the sequence gets through

Thanks Lars!
I will give it a try next week.

Thanks Lars, that worked.

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