Ring doorbell

you need to monitor the event channels in the account thing

I still see one error in Eclipse.

pom.xml at the <parent> tag

Multiple annotations found at this line:
	- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:1.2.0:validate-version (execution: default-validate-version, phase: 
	- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (execution: default, phase: compile)
	- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:1.2.0:validate-id (execution: default-validate-id, phase: validate)
	- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:1.2.0:build-qualifier (execution: default-build-qualifier, phase: validate)
	- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.commonjava.maven.plugins:directory-maven-plugin:0.2:highest-basedir (execution: directories, phase: 
	- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin:1.2.0:compile (execution: default-compile, phase: compile)

However, itā€™s possible to debug and also mvn run through. I try to understand the problem and compared with other pom.xml, but couldnā€™t figure out how to sole this.

We also need to fill the README.md

I merged your pull request and replaced the jar file in the target folder where my previous link goes with a version that includes the changes. I noticed that error too and havenā€™t been able to figure it out but it compiles and debuts just fine so Iā€™m not sure how critical it is but Iā€™d still like to figure it out. I should have some downtime this upcoming week to work on the readme too, Iā€™ve been meaning to do that

I filled in more of the README.md file and uploaded it. Looking at the pom.xml errors, I was able to fix all but the one that has ā€œhighest-basedirā€ by right clicking the messages and doing ā€œquick fixā€ in my environment, that should work for you too I think. I cleared the ā€œhighest-basedirā€ error with the new changes to pom.xml. Iā€™m not 100% itā€™s the correct fix but Eclipse doesnā€™t show it anymore and it compiles successfully.

I downloaded the jar and put it in the addons dir, it also initializes, but i donā€™t get things when i search in the paperui. What am I doing wrong :wink:

It turns out that manual search wasnā€™t implemented, sorry. I updated the jar with changes to make that work. Thereā€™s still a bug where if you delete your discovered things, the binding wonā€™t ā€œre-discoverā€ them until you either restart the bundle or openhab. Iā€™m trying to track that down. Go ahead and re-download the jar and try it again. If you still have issues iā€™ll need a debug log to see whatā€™s going on.

lovely binding, thank youā€¦ I might be finally able to retire homeassitantā€¦ but, is there a way to add the Ring cameras as well ? I have two outside cameras and do rely on their pir motion at least ( screenshot or recording link would be even amazinā€¦)

alsoā€¦ something I have noticed :
it seems that the date / time is US? is that the Ring server timeā€¦ would it be possible to adjust like the second entryto be auto adjusted for location timezone ?

RingEvent_WhenTheEventWasCreated changed from 2019-01-28T05:16:38.000+0000 to 2019-01-28T05:25:36.000+0000

lastSeenAL changed from 2019-01-28T14:25:44.000+0900 to 2019-01-28T14:26:41.000+0900

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So far so good. Is this normal?

Sorry for the late replies, it seems iā€™m not getting alerts to this thread for some reason

It should pick up the cameras as well, at least the events in the account thing should be coming across. There was a pull request to add stick up camera support to get battery status but I havenā€™t yet had an opportunity to do a new build, hopefully I will sometime today. As far as the time, that is coming from the ring server itself. Iā€™m sure it can be adjusted to use local time, but iā€™m not sure how at the moment.

Thatā€™s definitely strange, did you add that manually or did it come up during auto discovery?

I believe that I had to initiate the search but it found the items automatically.

That is strange then. If you delete the video doorbell thing and restart the binding from karaf (or openhab altogether), it should pop back by itself into your inbox after a while on its own. Hopefully that gets it going. Iā€™m still trying to sort out the issue where it wonā€™t re-discover things after they get deleted until the binding is restarted. Iā€™ve also uploaded a new version with the stickup cam addition here. It does work with 2.4 as well. https://github.com/zolakk/openhab2-addons-ring/raw/master/target/org.openhab.binding.ring-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

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Something VERY odd is going on now. Iā€™m seeing this in the error logs:

2019-01-31 15:39:01.069 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'ring:account:87c6cb5f' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Invalid response from ring.com. to ONLINE

Iā€™ve uploaded the new jar and deleted the video thing. Iā€™ll try restarting OpehHAB via sudo /etc/init.d/openhab2 restart and weā€™ll see what happens.

Wow, still throwing a ton of those errors! and the Ring Account Binding Thing keeps going on and off line. Iā€™ll delete the whole set up and try again.

After clearing it all out, I dropped the new jar (2.5.0) back in addons. After a moment, the binding showed up in the Paper UI. Had to manually add the Things:

  • Ring Account Binding Thing looks good. Solid Online status.
  • Ring Video Doorbell showed up in my in box all by itself! :grinning:
  • Manually added Chime Binding Thing, no problems noted.
  • Manually added Video Doorbell Binding Thing but there are problems.

Same issue again:

2019-01-31 16:23:17.497 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'ring:doorbell:XXXXXXXX' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (CONFIGURATION_ERROR): Device with id 'XXXXXXXX' not found

I went to the Ring Account Binding Thing in Control and looked at the attributes. The URL to Record Video is good. When I opened it in another tab, it played the last video.

The Video Doorbell Binding Thing is in Control also and it shows the Battery Status as -NaN which makes sense since it is off line.

BTW, when I uninstalled everything I cleared the cache so I had to reinitialize my settings. I turned on Item Linking Simple Mode and turned off Inbox Auto Ignore.

I have just installed this and I think I have everything setup as I should.

Both my account and doorbell are showing as online.

I have a rule that triggers when the ā€œEventKindā€ item is updated, checks what the event was and logs it.

Iā€™ve set it to turn on the porch light for testing purposes.

The problem is there is a good 30 second delay between the motion event and the rule triggering. Is this normal for this addon of have I configured something wrong?

rule "Ring Trigger"
    Item EventKind received update
    logInfo("User.RingVideo","Rule Triggered Event=" + EventKind.state)
    if (EventKind.state == "on_demand") {
       logInfo("User.RingVideo","Live View Detected") 
    } else if (EventKind.state == "motion"){
        logInfo("User.RingVideo","Motion Detected") 
    } else if (EventKind.state == "ding") {
        logInfo("User.RingVideo","Ring Detected") 
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Unfortunately, such delays can be possible but for me it seems to be pretty reliable, within the 5 second polling frequency and usually pretty much instantly. There is no official public API available to tie into so the binding has to rely on polling the events from your account instead of a push method that Iā€™m sure the official app uses so there can be delays there. How are your other rules behaving? Iā€™ve seen other rules in my system take up to 30 seconds to fire on the first time after editing , openhab booting, or if they havenā€™t run in a while but after that they behave fast for a long while.

All my other rules are running fine.

I am currently using IFTTT to turn on lights based on motion being detected so I guess I will have to stick with that.

Itā€™s a shame Ring havenā€™t provided an API as that is pretty much the only device I have left that requires cloud access to integrate with other bits in my home.

Iā€™ll try it again later to see if the long delay could be a temporary issue.


The promised and never delivered API was the exact reason why I took mine offline. I use DoorBird now. This one is designed for working on my local network, has superior video and also integrates via SIP with my FritzBox and has an App.
Costs more, but doesnā€™t need cloud subscription for advanced features.

BTW, I just installed this again on a new OH2 install and got the same problem. Must be something with my account!

I took a look at the code and when you manually add, the thing ID when manually adding needs to match a valid ring device ID. The easiest way is to look at the account thing doorbot/ring device ID for the last event and use that. If youā€™re already using a valid ring device ID as your thing ID, iā€™m not sure what the problem could be

Thank you zolakk, Iā€™ll take a look and see if I can do that. It was manually added so that kind of makes sense.