Hello Community,
I was wondering what is bugging you most because it is missing in the core of openHAB (and Eclipse Smarthome) and what only works with a ton of workarounds and should be part of the core instead. Especially if you compare openHAB to competitors.
Of course I’m talking about the OH 2.4 Snapshot release or Eclipse Smarthome latest git with the new rule engine and the new zwave security implementation.
In a second step I like to open up a new GitHub Issue for each of those topics or find an existing one.
This is what I have gathered from your replies so far:
Logview within PaperUI
This is the only reason for me at the moment to go back to the command line. I’d like to have:
- A new menu entry for logs.
- In the binding view, I’d like to see the last x logs for that specific binding.
- Set the log level for a binding
A binding doesn’t need to tell its user that an error happened and a device went offline. We have the Thing status for this. But what about a warning that a certificate is going to expire or a user interaction will be required soon/now?
Related issue: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/pull/459
Secure connections
- OpenHAB to external: It is a very manual process at the moment to trust an additional SSL certificate to establish a connection to an external service (weather, amazon alexa etc). The default is to trust all SSL connections (NOT SECURE -> man in the middle attack possible). It should be a click on PaperUI or a single line in openhab.cfg.
- External to openHAB: openHAB provides a few endpoints to be accessed externally, like the :8080 web-page, the MQTT embedded broker, the REST API, audio streaming endpoints. But there is no way to configure SSL certificates and private keys
Secure Vault for sensible configuration values
Some bindings require usernames, passwords, access tokens to work. And there is nothing wrong about it.
But at the moment those values are stored as plain text in the file system, can be accessed by the REST API by everyone in the network, and all bindings have full access via a comfortable java API on top of that. You have to be super careful on what you download from the Eclipse Marketplace!
Related issues:
Multi-user support with access restrictions
A concept for access restriction is required if more than one person is using the system (almost always the case I guess).
Related issue: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/579
Reliable startup
There are several reports about the framework starting up slow or items / bindings not initialized in time for rules. All reports boil down to a bad / missing startup order.
Relasted issues:
Chained transformations
There are some cases where you need to extract a value first from a structured data format (JSON, XML) and then map the value to one that is understood by openHAB. This can be handled by a script transformation, but chained transformations might be easier to grasp (and are probably more efficient as well).
Update Thing definitions automatically
When a binding is updated the Thing definitions should be updated, rather than having to manually delete/rediscover Things.
Related issue: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/2555
Item Metadata: Add REST API to enumerate metadata
The REST API lets you add/remove metadata, but does not allow for reading it.
Post, what you think that is required in the framework, to make it an easy to use, reliable and secure Home Automation system.
If any other developer want to tackle one or more of the listed subjects with me, send me a PN.