Rollershutter item for string command channel

Hi, I’m quite new to openHAB, so please be patient.

I managed to get my Rollotron Rollershutter be controlled via a Broadlink RM3 through the Broadlink binding (

The RM3 IR Commands are set in “transform/”

UP = 26004c007b127b11137a127a137a127a1379137a1379137a127a14797b117b127b127b11137a120003c37a137a13117b117b127a127b117b127b117b127a127b127b7a127a137a137a12127b11000d05000000000000000000000000
DOWN = 26009800127a137a7b127a12137a127a137a127a127a137a127a137a127a127b7b117b127b117b00035b127a14797c107c1114781578147815781478157814781479147814787d107d107d0f7d000358157814787c117c101479127a137a127a137a127a127b127a127a137a7b127a127b127b00035a137a127a7c117b11137a127a137a127a127b127a127a1378147a137a7b117b127b127b000d05
STOP = 26004c00147815787d0f7d107c117d0f157814787c117c111379147815781478157813791479140003c1127a137a7b117b127b127c101378147a7b127c10147914781479137915781379147913000d05000000000000000000000000

The item is set up as a String:

String BEDROOM_SHUTTER "Rollo Zimmer" <blinds> (gBedroom) { channel="broadlink:rm3:088a9bc9:command" }

And the Sitemap looks like this:

sitemap bedroom label="Schlafzimmer"
    Switch item=BEDROOM_SHUTTER label="Rollo"  mappings=[UP="UP", DOWN="DOWN", STOP="STOP"]

This works as it should. The only issue is, that I have to use String item type.

If I change the item to the type “Rollershutter”, the command does not work anymore. I do not see any log output, and the rollershutter does not move.

Rollershutter BEDROOM_SHUTTER "Rollo Zimmer" <blinds> (gBedroom) { channel="broadlink:rm3:088a9bc9:command" }

I guess the problem is, that the rm3 channel expects a string command, but the Rollershutter item type does not use the strings in the transform.

How can I change my config, to use the Rollershutter item type togther with the string command channel?


Whats not working with how you have it with string and switch?

Using the predefined Rollershutter item type would be nicer and makes it easier to reuse later on i more complex setups, I guess…

Also Rollershutter provides some predefined nicer looking GUI compared to String type.

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Ah, now I got it, the trick is, to define the Broadlink RM3 as a separate item, and not the rollershutter itself:

String Broadlink_rm3_bedroom "Broadlink RM3 Zimmer" <blinds> (gBedroom) { channel="broadlink:rm3:088a9bc9:command" }
Rollershutter Bedroom_Shutter "Rollo Zimmer" <blinds>

Dimmer Bedroom_Lamp "Deckenlampe Zimmer" <lightbulb> (gBedroom) {channel="hue:0100:ecb5fa081c84:6:brightness"}

The sitemap then uses the dummy rollershutter:

sitemap bedroom label="Schlafzimmer"
    Switch item=Bedroom_Lamp label="Deckenlampe"
    Switch item=Bedroom_Shutter label="Rollo"

And a rule to convert the Rollershutter command to the broadlink command:

rule "Bedroom_Shutter_Broadlink"
    Item Bedroom_Shutter received command

Done :slight_smile:

Thanks anyways for the help.