Rrd4j duplicate config "working copy of rrd4j"

I was looking in my Karaf config and I see two listings for rrd4j. I am not sure how i got two of them, but should I try to delete the working config?

First I see:

id: org.openhab.Working Copy of rrd4j
BundleLocation: null
myrr4jdb.archives = AVERAGE,.5,1,1440:AVERAGE,.5,5,2016:AVERAGE,.5,15,2668
myrr4jdb.def = GAUGE,90,0,3,60
myrr4jdb.items = WineRoomClosetTemp,WineRoomClosetHum
service.pid = org.openhab.Working Copy of rrd4j

then, a few entries later I see

Pid: org.openhab.rrd4j
BundleLocation: null
myrr4jdb.archives = AVERAGE,.5,1,1440:AVERAGE,.5,5,2016:AVERAGE,.5,15,2668
myrr4jdb.def = GAUGE,90,0,3,60
myrr4jdb.items = WineRoomClosetHum,WineRoomClosetTemp
service.pid = org.openhab.rrd4j

FYI, I deleted the ‘working’ entry with no ill effects

log into Karaf console with
sudo ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101

see all config items with

delete a specific config item with
config:delete “org.openhab.Working Copy of rrd4j”

exit Karaf console with