RRD4J item store problem

No! i use only rrd4j

this is full

// persistence strategies have a name and a definition and are referred to in the "Items" section
Strategies {
        everyMinute     : "0 * * * * ?"
        everyHour       : "0 0 * * * ?"
        everyDay        : "0 0 0 * * ?"
        default = everyChange

Items {

	Bath_Humi, Bath_Temp  : strategy = everyMinute, everyChange

Yes. If i change this file i see records in log.

i use VS code with OpenHAB plagin and rest service. The name of item is correct - VS autocomplete number and show current value of Bath_Temp

I have done the changes for test by sitemap

2018-07-11 13:23:45.405 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Bath_Temp' received command 12
2018-07-11 13:23:45.432 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Bath_Temp changed from 11 to 12
2018-07-11 13:23:47.263 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Bath_Humi' received command 17
2018-07-11 13:23:47.282 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Bath_Humi changed from 16 to 17

Can you change the value for test onece by rule or sitemap

Setpoint item=Bath_Temp

to see, if it is rely a persistence-problem please.
What openHAB-version do you use?

Remove rrd4j service from PaperUI
Stop OH
delete the rrd4j.persist
delete the rrd4j.cfg
Start OH
install rrd4j in paperUI
DO NOT modify rrd4j.cfg. The defaults are good enough without playing with them
and set-up rrd4j.persist as follow:

// persistence strategies have a name and a definition and are referred to in the "Items" section
Strategies {
        everyMinute     : "0 * * * * ?"
        everyHour       : "0 0 * * * ?"
        everyDay        : "0 0 0 * * ?"
        default = everyChange

Items {

	Bath_Humi, Bath_Temp  : strategy = everyMinute, everyChange

2.3.0 version.

Setpoint item=Bath_Temp
where i can add this, to .items file

to the sitemap.file

2018-07-11 14:38:36.449 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Bath_Temp changed from 29.296875 to 28.296875
2018-07-11 14:38:39.971 [thome.event.ItemStateEvent] - Bath_Temp updated to 28.296875
2018-07-11 14:38:51.608 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Received event of type ‘ItemCommandEvent’ under the topic ‘smarthome/items/Bath_Temp/command’ with payload: ‘{“type”:“Decimal”,“value”:“29.296875”}’
2018-07-11 14:38:51.648 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘Bath_Temp’ received command 29.296875
2018-07-11 14:38:51.685 [thome.event.ItemStateEvent] - Bath_Temp updated to 29.296875
2018-07-11 14:38:51.692 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Received event of type ‘ItemStateChangedEvent’ under the topic ‘smarthome/items/Bath_Temp/statechanged’ with payload: ‘{“type”:“Decimal”,“value”:“29.296875”,“oldType”:“Decimal”,“oldValue”:“28.296875”}’
2018-07-11 14:38:51.706 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Bath_Temp changed from 28.296875 to 29.296875
2018-07-11 14:38:57.710 [thome.event.ItemStateEvent] - Bath_Temp updated to 28.296875
2018-07-11 14:38:57.775 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Received event of type ‘ItemStateChangedEvent’ under the topic ‘smarthome/items/Bath_Temp/statechanged’ with payload: ‘{“type”:“Decimal”,“value”:“28.296875”,“oldType”:“Decimal”,“oldValue”:“29.296875”}’
2018-07-11 14:38:57.783 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Bath_Temp changed from 29.296875 to 28.296875

i find this records in openhab.log

2018-07-11 15:31:33.768 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’
2018-07-11 15:31:34.101 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’
2018-07-11 15:31:34.489 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’
2018-07-11 15:31:34.823 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’
2018-07-11 15:31:35.021 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’
2018-07-11 15:31:35.229 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’
2018-07-11 15:31:35.427 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id ‘rrd4j’

What did you do before that?

restart openhab service

And before that?
Did you uninstall rrd4j in paperUI?
What else did you do?

Did you try to clear the cache?

Yes, i remove from paperUI rrd4j persistence, stop OH and remove rrd4j.cfg and rrd4j.persist. Start OH and reinstall rrd4j. And put new file rrd4.persist.

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