RRD4J not more archving values after change the configuration un OH 4.0.4

Hey all,

Since years I’m now using OH, and the meanwhile 4.0.4 version for monitoring, my temperature, etc values, and
make dem visible in views.
As I have had an poweroff some weeks ago and have had to restart, I noticed, that some values are missing,or better to say, has lost all the recorded somehow lost.
So I got the tipp, from @hmerk to change the configuration in the RRD4J from “everyChange”, to “everyChange, restoreOnStartup”.
When changing the settings, save them, and doing reboot from the RPI4, NO RECORED ARE MORE VISIBLE.
What could be the Problem?

Here are the settings:

Here the screen as it should be:

Here the screen with the missing Values:

No, that is not what I told you.
I advised to remove restoreOnStartUp from RRD4J and move it to MapDB persistence!

That screenshot indicates you don’t actually have a persistence configuration at the moment. You’ve got strategies for sure but no configuration. You need to click “Add configuration” and your Items to the configuration.

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Indeed, totally overlooked this when we chatted…