Rule and getting Parameters from a rest call

I’m on OpenHab4 and want to pull daily consumption and total generation values from my Kaco NX.
By calling:\r\1\r\1
a JSON is returned containing:

etd is today’s generated kWh, eto is the overall kWh generation.

I’ve set up a rule in order to make every 15 seconds the http call against my Kaco, the rule is executed as expected but I don’t get out any values, any idea why it’s not working ?

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock

var ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock()

rule “KacoWR”
Time cron “0/15 * * * * ?” // every 15s
try {
// etd= daily production eto=overall production
// HTTP-Call durchführen und Antwort speichern
val response = sendHttpGetRequest(“\\r\\1\\r\\1”)

    // Parse der Antwort, um die Variablen zu extrahieren
    val etd = Integer::parseInt(transform("JSONPATH", "$.etd", response))
    val eto = Integer::parseInt(transform("JSONPATH", "$.eto", response))

} finally {



  • etd and eto items are defined as numbers
  • display layout looks like this:

sitemap watch label=“Watch” {

Frame label=“Gesamt/Year/Max” {
Text item=eto label=“PV Gesamt [%.2f kWh]” icon=“energy”
Text item=etd label=“Erzeugung heute [%.2f kWh]” icon=“energy” valuecolor=[<30=“red”,<50=“yellow”,>=50=“green”]


Please always mark code as code (json object is also code) as otherwise discourse (the software running the community) may change the text to something completely different.

Your Code goes here


First things first: Did you install the JSONPATH Addon? Sounds stupid question, but…

Another thing: It’s way easier to do this without a rule, just by creating a http thing and the corresponding channels:

Thing http:url:kaco "Kaco NX" [
 ] {
    Type number : etd "Tagesproduktion" [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.etd", unit="kWh"]
    Type number : eto "Totalproduktion" [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.eto", unit="kWh"]

As text file definition. Or via Main UI (yaml Code):

UID: http:url:kaco
label: Kaco NX
thingTypeUID: http:url
  authMode: BASIC
  ignoreSSLErrors: false
  delay: 0
  stateMethod: GET
  refresh: 15
  commandMethod: GET
  timeout: 3000
  bufferSize: 2048
  - id: etd
    channelTypeUID: http:number
    label: Tagesproduktion
    description: null
      mode: READWRITE
      escapedUrl: false
      unit: kWh
      stateTransformation: JSONPATH:$.etd
  - id: eto
    channelTypeUID: http:number
    label: Totalproduktion
    description: null
      mode: READWRITE
      escapedUrl: false
      unit: kWh
      stateTransformation: JSONPATH:$.eto

Maybe the baseURL can be set slightly simpler by omitting the &HTTP/1.0\r\1\r\1

But your main reason why not getting any output is, you missed an important detail, that is to create and use Items :slight_smile:

Number:Energy etd "Tagesproduktion" {channel="http:url:kaco:etd", unit="kWh", stateDescription=""[pattern="%.1f kWh"]}
Number:Energy eto "Totalproduktion" {channel="http:url:kaco:eto", unit="kWh", stateDescription=""[pattern="%.1f kWh"]}

You can also create these Items via Main UI.

If you want to use the rule anyway, you have to use Item methods (or - not recommended - actions) to put the values into the Items (in that case you can omit links to channels):

rule "Kaco WR"
    Time cron "0/15 * * * * ?" // every 15s
    //etd = daily production eto = overall production
    // HTTP-Call durchführen und Antwort speichern
    val response = sendHttpGetRequest("\\r\\1\\r\\1")

    // Parse der Antwort, um die Variablen zu extrahieren
    etd.postUpdate(Integer.parseInt(transform("JSONPATH", "$.etd", response)))
    eto.postUpdate(Integer.parseInt(transform("JSONPATH", "$.eto", response)))

Please be aware that you don’t need the reentrant lock at all, as the rule won’t be executed more than once at a time. Maybe Integer.parseInt() is not necessary at all.


thx for your reply, and yes the JSONPATH addon was set. Your way of setting up a thing/channel didn’t come to my mind, still an newbie. Will try that out asap.

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