In my sitemap I added alarmPanelStatusReady/Away/Home, and I can correctly see their values change to 0 or 1. Can you please help me in setting up a basic rule to arm my home security to “Stay” at 10:30 pm?
Values before the security is armed:
alarmPanelStatusHome = 0
alarmPanelStatusReady = 1
Values after the security is armed:
alarmPanelStatusHome = 1
alarmPanelStatusReady = 0
Hi Carlyle,
I added your code to set my security to “Stay” at 9:06 pm but it didn’t work. Here is the event log:
2017-03-26 21:05:39.631 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - network_device_a146eaf2_time changed from 272.96847999999999956344254314899444580078125 to 1103.268816000000015264959074556827545166015625
2017-03-26 21:06:14.300 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘armStay’ received command ON
2017-03-26 21:06:15.117 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - alarmPanelStatusRaw changed from 131456 to 147840
2017-03-26 21:06:15.181 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - alarmPanelStatusBacklight changed from 0 to 1
2017-03-26 21:06:15.214 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - alarmPanelContactBacklight changed from CLOSED to OPEN
2017-03-26 21:06:38.421 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - network_device_a146eaf2_time changed from 1103.268816000000015264959074556827545166015625 to 4883.762917000000015832483768463134765625
2017-03-26 21:07:03.624 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - alarmPanelStatusRaw changed from 147840 to 131456
2017-03-26 21:07:03.669 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - alarmPanelStatusBacklight changed from 1 to 0
2017-03-26 21:07:03.704 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - alarmPanelContactBacklight changed from OPEN to CLOSED
2017-03-26 21:07:37.600 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - network_device_a146eaf2_time changed from 4883.762917000000015832483768463134765625 to 4082.9903100000001359148882329463958740234375
The log shows that alarmPanelStatusRaw changed from 131456 to 147840 but on basicUI site, I didn’t see this value (131456) changing to 147840. Btw, I did set send_commands_and_compromise_security to true.
I don’t know what “quick arm” and “joda time” is. I used Eclipse SmartHome Designer to update all the files and I didn’t see any syntax error. Do I need to import any files?
Quick arm: go to the keypad and hit # and 3 (stay) and see if it arms. If not then quick arm is disabled. Then you will need to use a code in the command I showed. Instead of alarmdecoder=“SEND#ON=POUND3”, use alarmdecoder=“SEND#ON=xxxx3”, where xxxx is your alarm code.
I have a question about RFX. In the wiki example, they created an item for an RFX Serial Number. When I looked at the raw data coming out of Alarmdecoder, I saw many RFX Serial Numbers. My house is prewired with sensors for all the doors and windows. Not sure if all those RFX Serial Number were for each sensor. Would I need to create an item for each RFX code? What’s the benefit of these items anyway? Here are some lines from my Alarmdecoder ASCII stream where I have removed the duplicate KPM lines.
[10000001100000003A–],008,[f70000ff1008001c28020000000000]," DISARMED CHIME Ready to Arm "
[00000301100000000A–],006,[f70000ff1006030028020000000000],“FAULT 06 “
[10000001100000003A–],008,[f70000ff1008001c28020000000000],” DISARMED CHIME Ready to Arm “
[00000301100000000A–],006,[f70000ff1006030028020000000000],"FAULT 06 “
Glad that worked for you; just keep in mind you have now stored your alarm code in plain text and if anyone should hack into your controller they can easily have it. Therefore, I recommend enabling quick arm. You can find the field in the Honeywell/Ademco programming manual.
If I understand you correctly, “prewired”, meaning you have no wireless sensors on doors or windows? Wireless motion detectors?
If that is the case, then these messages are coming from your neighbor’s houses.
I have only 2 Glass break sensors that are transmitting wirelessly. And
both my neighbors have Prewired houses with no other sensor. Seeing so many
devices makes me wonder if other devices like Smart bell or cameras etc are
being caught too.
I definitely need to enable quick arm. What happens if one of my zones is
open and “arm stay” fails? Is there a way to get an alert?