Rule with a time delay?


is it possible to create a rule with a delay and a second if check in it?

What i wanted to create is a rule that turn on a alarm switch when nobody is at home.
Rule should be clear:

rule "Alarmanlage automatisch"
	Item person_1 changed or
	Item person_2 changed
	if ((person_1.state == OFF) && (person_2.state == OFF)) {  // i know it could checked by an presence group
	proxy_alarm.sendCommand(ON) }

The problem i got is my presence detection. I am using network binding. But from time to time there is a really short offline to my iphones presence and a second later it switches back to online.
And yes, i am using arping and tested a lot with timeout and retries. Also chmod u+s is done to arping.
I am happy with network binding and it works really satisfactory to me, that really short offline switch is negligible for me (itā€™s really only 1 or 2 times a day) , but its enough to active the alarmsystem and everytime just in this short moment i am able to pass a motion detector :frowning:

So, is there an option to create a rule with a short timer (30 seconds or so) with a check behind if both items really are offline?

Or do i have to create 2 rules???

rule "1"
	Item person_1 changed or
	Item person_2 changed
	createTimer(now.plusSeconds(30)) [ check_state.sendCommand(ON) ]

rule "2"
when Item check_state received command ON
then   if ((person_1.state == OFF) && (person_2.state == OFF)) { 
    	  proxy_alarm.sendCommand(ON) }

make a timer that checks after set time if the devices are still offline.

This post should help

Edited my post while you were answering :wink:

Is this possible?

	Item person_1 changed or
	Item person_2 changed
        createTimer(now.plusSeconds(30)) [
                    if ((person_1.state == OFF) && (person_2.state == OFF)) { 
    	            proxy_alarm.sendCommand(ON) }
    		               proxy_alarm.sendCommand(OFF) ]

that should work i think

Got itā€¦

Rule posted before was not the best idea, because the 30 seconds timer had also impact on the deactivating alarm.
Thanks anyway

Now i use this rule and everything works fine.

rule "Alarmanlage automatisch"

		Item person_1 changed or Item person_2 changed
then	if ((person_1.state == ON) || (person_2.state == ON)) {
				proxy_alarm.sendCommand(OFF) }
		if ((person_1.state == OFF) && (person_2.state == OFF)) {
			createTimer(now.plusSeconds(30)) [
                    if ((person_1.state == OFF) && (person_2.state == OFF)) { 
    	            proxy_alarm.sendCommand(ON) }] }

Hi guys,

Not sure what is wrong with this one but let me know if there is anything that Iā€™d have to add or update to it to make it work,

Item gPhone changed from ON to OFF
Mode.sendCommand(ECO) ]

In the above, the Mode is the Item name of my thermostat and I am sending it to go ECO which works fine in the UI but not sure If is working correctly.
Let me know if there is anything wrong with the code or what would be the update required on it.
The rule works fine in the PaperUI but obviously, I canā€™t add the Time Delay from there. Any help will be appreciated.

ECO isnā€™t a recognized openHAB command. Maybe Mode is a Sring type Item, and ā€œECOā€ is wanted?

I have tried with off as well. Anyways none of my rules are working. I think something isnā€™t right but though one quick question, do we need to have items defined in items file if we want to use them in rules from command line. All of my items were created from the PaperUI, this might be a problem as well.

Okay. The best we can offer on that is - something is wrong.
Look in openhab.log and see what it tells you, maybe share that here if isnā€™t clear.

No, not at all. Whether your Items are created by PaperUI or xxx.items files makes no difference at all, they are all just Items when openHAB is running.

You do have to be careful about not having Items with same name from different sources though - only one would work.

Something wasnā€™t right and after the restart the remaining rules are working fine and I made some progress on the above as well but I think I may need some help in making it perfect.

The Use Case is that Iā€™d like to check if my Phone is off then wait for 10 minutes and recheck if the Phone is still OFF then send a command to Turn the thermostat to ECO mode.

Right now, the wait is working fine but the inner condition isnā€™t working and this is probably something to do with syntax I think

The following works absolutely fine.
rule ā€œNestā€
Item gPhone changed from ON to OFF
createTimer(now.plusSeconds(600), [
sendCommand(Thermostat_Mode,ā€˜ECOā€™) ])

What I need is this and it is not working for some reason

rule ā€œNestā€
Item gPhone changed from ON to OFF
createTimer(now.plusSeconds(600), [
if gPhone.state == OFF
sendCommand(Thermostat_Mode,ā€˜ECOā€™) ])

Any ideas what could be wrong with this one?

Yes, if statements require brackets in rules language, see many examples.
Did you look in openhab.log to see what it had to say about it?

I even tried this and it didnā€™t work

Item gPhone changed from ON to OFF

createTimer(now.plusSeconds(20), [
if (gPhone.state == OFF) {
sendCommand(Thermostat_Mode, ā€˜ECOā€™)}

I have not looked into the logs as of now but what could be wrong with this code now?

Nothing is the logs, the rule didnā€™t execute, I am checking the logs using the following command

tail -f /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log -f /var/log/openhab2/events.log

The last rule shown does not have a name. Every rule must have a name.

rule "Nest with timer"

What is less obvious is that every rule must have a unique name. You canā€™t have two rules called ā€œNestā€, only one will work.

In the default file it has a name and it is unique, I have commented out the other one.

It actually worked, It got commented by mistake. Thanks for all the help guys.

Actually I have just realized that not a single rule is working.

Dows it happen when you donā€™t have Items defined manually and youā€™re referencing them in rules?

All of my items are created via PaperUI and if this is true then do Iā€™ve to delete and recreate the Items manually?

Any help on this will be appreciated.