Rules doesn't fire

Hi , in spite of many other rules this one doesn’t fire.
No informations in log-files.
Thanks for some ideas.

//Setting WetterVorhersageKDB

val logName = “WetterVorhersageKDB”
rule “Setting WetterVorhersageKDB”

Time cron “0 0/5 * * * ?” //alle 5 Minuten
logInfo(logName, “WetterVorhersageKDB”)
var curr = Lokales_Wetter_und_Wettervorhersage_ForecastHours03_Condition

Please use code fences when posting code to the forum.

code goes here

Shouldn’t the cron expression have one more fields? Using the cron expression builder linked to from the docs gives 0 0/5 * ? * * *

Shouldn’t it be

var curr = Lokales_Wetter_und_Wettervorhersage_ForecastHours03_Condition.state


Cron looks ok to me…

Although the item is a string it is necessary to use .state.toString


will result in successful operation.
The cron was correct.

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