Rules for dummies (to be exposed through OHcloud) from broadlink binding

In general, you may want to start much simpler, for example, just pick one action and implement it.
And you may need to read this chapter a few times:

Quit a few of your current questions and inevitable future questions are handled there.

Some more details:

Here a direct link to a sub-chapter of above that explains the difference between update and Command: Rules | openHAB

That is a little more complicated, but here a good post about the options:

Understandable, the docs are not the greatest, there is a beginner section in the docs, read this please and especially this overview:
This one here:

if item Luce_Dario_EXP.state !=OFF 
item Luce_Dario_EXP.postUpdate(OFF) 

will need to look like this:

if (Luce_Dario_EXP.state !=OFF)  {Luce_Dario_EXP.postUpdate(OFF)} 

Note: if there is only one command you want to execute you can omit the {}

Happy reading and please start slow and small. A last tip: read up on the use of logInfo this will help you understand what your rules are doing and if they are doing anything.

AND: use VS Code Editors | openHAB it will highlight all syntax issues for you.