I updated from 4.2.0.M4 to 4.2.1 . Since that time the SAIC binding isn’t able to connect to their servers. Does anyone have a similar issue? And solved? If yes, how?
In the meantime I updated to 4.3.0.M1 , later M2.
Using 4.3.0.M2 it’s also not working. I just found a modified binding here.
Using this binding it’s working now. Hopfully that this code will be implemented in M3+
Today I upgraded to 4.3.0.M4 … Same issue. The bridge can’t connect.
2024-11-15 10:13:51.042 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'saicismart:account:4ab38192cc' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2024-11-15 10:13:51.047 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'saicismart:account:4ab38192cc' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
at org.openhab.binding.saicismart.internal.SAICiSMARTBridgeHandler.login(SAICiSMARTBridgeHandler.java:145) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.saicismart.internal.SAICiSMARTBridgeHandler.updateStatus(SAICiSMARTBridgeHandler.java:124) ~[?:?]
@Doug_Culnane from what I see you created this add-on? Perhaps you can have a look into?
Btw. Using M2 and a snapshot from this add-on it seems that the connection was ok but not all data/channels has been updated.
The official binding does not work since the API changed. The new API is half implemented and we are trying to document the other half so it can be implemented.
Make sure you remove the official binding and clear out your addons folder. Install the experimental one here: [new-binding] Integration of SAIC (MG) iSmart based Vehicles - #50 by Doug_Culnane
This should work to give battery state of charge.It works on my computer… “openHAB 4.2.2” I have not tried it with newer versions. So please let me know how you get on and I will try to debug it.
Sure. That’s what I already did. There seems also another issue with multiple devices.
The account can be used only once. If I start the App to check the car data OpenHAB will be disconnected.
Same if I use the Saic-MQTT project. I suppose this also depends to their API changes.
You are right you can only use your account on one device at a time.
It is not clear from your message whether the experimental binding works if you close your App and Saic-MQTT project?
Yes. I got “some” information. But at some point the connection will be lost. “Perhaps” this happens after I used my App as usually instead of OH or the MQTT project was started in the background. I use the MQTT project only for testing. It’s not permanent.
In the past as far as I remember I was able to have my data in OH and was able to use the App without any issues. And yes … you cannot fix this.
The binding you created also only shows a few things from my set.
- Battery Level
- Electric Range
- Total Distance Driven
What I’m missing is
- Location
- Power Usage (ex. during charging or to have a consumption history about the consumption during/after driving)
- Interior and Exterior temperature
As you already mentioned not all sensor data has been implemented yet.
Missing another main thing. The connection to ABRP … But here the location should be needed as well I guess.
Not sure if and how I can support you. Feel free to text me 1-to-1.
I have not yet managed to decode the new API so I can not get at the data. Maybe one day I or someone else will manage this and then I can make a java client and finish the binding.
I also have exact the same problems.
The bridge does not connect!
I really really hope, you can make the binding work in the nearer future!!!
I want to create a Scheduler for the heating of the car via openhab, the MG app isn’t able to do this!
Thanks in advance for all your effort!
Hi @Roman2 try the experimental binding from here.
It should connect and give basic battery info, but the HAVC is not working.
I hope over the Christmas holiday to work out the other functions but if I can not then I have to cut down the binding to the basics that work. Then I can create a pull request to get it in the official openHAB 5.x release.
Thank you.
I tried already tried the experimental version, the bridge connected, but the car thing didn’t.
I don’t know why.
Merry Christmas and thanks for your effort!
Interesting… Did you get an error in the log file? The car does seam to go to sleep to protect the 12V battery but staring and driving it wakes things up or you can try the force refresh switch to force its wake up… However do not force refresh regularly as this will make the 12V battery flat!!!
If you have a different experience or log file errors let me know and I can try to improve things.
Every 10 minutes the following entry in the log:
2024-12-22 10:06:35.321 [INFO ] [icismart.internal.rest.SaicApiClient] - Response: {“code”:0,“data”:{“recordsNumber”:16,“notifications”:[{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-21 15:55:20”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:81626881,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-20 11:21:32”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:81319672,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-20 11:09:19”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:81316219,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-20 11:08:18”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:81315951,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 13:47:42”,“messageType”:“802”,“sender”:“TBOX”,“messageId”:80860645,“vin”:“LSJW74091PZ112600”,“contentIdList”:[{“contentId”:62,“description”:“16469932,48292580”}],“title”:“Illegale Invasionswarnung”,“content”:“Die abnormale Invasion in Ihr Fahrzeug (600) hat am 18-12-2024 13:47:41 GMT+01:00 einen Alarm ausgelöst."},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 13:47:39”,“messageType”:“812”,“sender”:“TBOX”,“messageId”:80860633,“vin”:“LSJW74091PZ112600”,“contentIdList”:[{“contentId”:62}],“title”:“Sicherheitsalarm abgebrochen”,“content”:"Die Sicherheitsalarmanlage ist deaktiviert. Sie können das Fahrzeug (600) jetzt sicher fahren."},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 11:58:38”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80835510,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 11:58:35”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80835494,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 11:58:28”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80835469,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 11:55:24”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80834825,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 11:43:28”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80832219,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 10:47:33”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80820724,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 09:07:11”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80799082,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 08:55:56”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80796546,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-18 08:47:07”,“messageType”:“501”,“sender”:“Login”,“messageId”:80794481,“title”:“Kontowechsel”,“content”:“Ihr Konto ist auf einem anderen Gerät angemeldet.”},{“readStatus”:0,“messageTime”:“2024-12-17 22:28:40”,“messageType”:“513”,“sender”:“icarx-user”,“messageId”:80750315,“title”:“Autorisierung erfolgreich”,“content”:"Sie wurden von romahotmail.com autorisiert, den Familie-Benutzer von LSJW*********600 zu verwenden. Die Gültigkeitsdauer ist: 22:28 17/12/2024~Dauerhaft”}]},“message”:“success”}
Please, do not post log screenshots, but plain text in code fences.
We cannot quote from a screenshot and it is hard to read on a mobile device.
Thanks for the info.
The message list from the server works and the server is trying to contact the car. I think there is no connection car to server… but i do not know why.
Does it work sometines but not all the time? Sometimes my car goes offline for a while. I few ON switches of the “advanced” force refresh channel switch can help.
Does the app work? You have to disable the openhab things and then you can use the mg app. Both can not connect at the same time.
Thanks again for the info and feedback.
Thank you!
App is working! With different accounts (legitimated on the main account) on our 2 phones and one more on openhab. Both of the phones can refresh and send commands without logging out the other, so openhab should also be a able to because of its own account.
There must be a connection at some time because SOC in openhab changed.
But I never saw the car thing ONLINE, always OFFLINE. The bridge is ONLINE all the time.
I have to say, that my car is connected with my home WIFI, when it is at home.
But it can be reached via app all the time, even if it’s turned off. So that can’t be the reason.
If the car is switched on, should it show as ONLINE permanently?
Thanks for your support!