SDM54-2T serial modbus-rtu configuration

Hi openHAB community.

For quite some time I’ve struggled to get my smart meter SDM54-2T up and running with openHAB (serial) modbus binding.
I chose the SDM54 over the SDM630 because of its more compact size (only 3 modules wide as to 4 modules width of the SDM630).

In case anyone of you is trying the same I thought I’d quickly post my setup here as a template:

My hardware:

  • Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB
  • RS485/USB adapter connected to USB port of Raspberry Pi
  • about 30m of RS485 cable
  • one smart meter SDM54-2T (another one is to be integrated soon) - I did set its RS485-address to 21
  • (additionally there’s one growatt SPH10000TL3 BH-UP and on growatt MIC3000 solar inverter on the same RS485-bus - not included in the example thing/item files below)
  • 120 ohm resistor at one end of the RS485 cable (in my installation it’s on the smart meter)
  • no additional resistor at the other end of the cable (in my installation that is the RS485-USB adapater on the Raspberry - there might be a resistor integrated in the adapter? - not sure)

The thing file:

//Modbus message parser:
Bridge modbus:serial:SDM54_1 "SDM54-T2 SmartMeter" [ port="/dev/ttyUSB0", id=21, baud=9600, stopBits="1.0", parity="none", dataBits=8, encoding="rtu", timeBetweenTransactionsMillis=1000 ]
    Bridge poller BasisWerte [start=0, length=36, type="input", refresh=5000]
        Thing data voltage1         "Spannung Phase 1"          [readStart="0", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data voltage2         "Spannung Phase 2"          [readStart="2", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data voltage3         "Spannung Phase 3"          [readStart="4", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data current1         "Stromstärke Phase 1"       [readStart="6", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data current2         "Stromstärke Phase 2"       [readStart="8", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data current3         "Stromstärke Phase 3"       [readStart="10", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data power1           "Leistung Phase 1"          [readStart="12", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data power2           "Leistung Phase 2"          [readStart="14", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data power3           "Leistung Phase 3"          [readStart="16", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data va1              "VA 1"                      [readStart="18", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data va2              "VA 2"                      [readStart="20", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data va3              "VA 3"                      [readStart="22", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data var1             "VAR 1"                     [readStart="24", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data var2             "VAR 2"                     [readStart="26", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data var3             "VAR 3"                     [readStart="28", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data powerfactor1     "Leistungsfaktor 1"         [readStart="30", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data powerfactor2     "Leistungsfaktor 2"         [readStart="32", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data powerfactor3     "Leistungsfaktor 3"         [readStart="34", readValueType="float32" ]            
    Bridge poller Frequenz [start=70, length=2, type="input", refresh=5000] 
        Thing data frequency        "Netzferquenz"              [readStart="70", readValueType="float32" ]     
    Bridge poller SystemPower [start=52, length=2, type="input", refresh=5000] {
        Thing data systemPower      "Systemleistung"            [readStart="52", readValueType="float32" ]      

    Bridge poller kwh [start=342, length=22, type="input", refresh=5000] {
        Thing data totalKwh         "Gesamtverbrauch"           [readStart="342", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data totalkVarh       "Gesamt VARH"               [readStart="344", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data importKwh1       "Import 1"                  [readStart="346", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data importKwh2       "Import 2"                  [readStart="348", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data importKwh3       "Import 3"                  [readStart="350", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data exportKwh1       "Export 1"                  [readStart="352", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data exportKwh2       "Export 2"                  [readStart="354", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data exportKwh3       "Export 3"                  [readStart="356", readValueType="float32" ]
        Thing data totalKwh1        "Gesamt 1"                  [readStart="358", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data totalKwh2        "Gesamt 2"                  [readStart="360", readValueType="float32" ]      
        Thing data totalKwh3        "Gesamt 3"                  [readStart="362", readValueType="float32" ]        

The item-file
(not all thing-channels are being mapped to items in this example but I’m sure it’s sufficient info to get the idea how to map the remaining ones):

Group:Number:Power:SUM      gCurrentWatts                       "Summe aller gemessenen Verbräuche"                                    <energy>
Group                       gSDM54_2T_1                         "SDM54-2T Smart Meter Nr 1"                      <controller>       (gUG_Flur)                           ["RemoteControl"] 

// SmartMeter SDM52-T2 Nr 1 (Zählerschrank UG) ///////////////////////////
Number:Power                SDM54_T2_1SystemPower               "Systemleistung [%.2f %unit%]"                                         <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                                           {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:SystemPower:systemPower:number"}
Number:Frequency            SDM54_T2_1Frequenz                  "Netzfrequenz [%.2f %unit%]"                                           <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                                           {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:Frequenz:frequency:number"}
Number:Energy               SDM54_T2_1TotalKwh                  "Gesamt Verbrauch [%.2f %unit%]"                                       <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                                           {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:kwh:totalKwh:number"}
Number                      SDM54_T2_1TotalVarh                 "Gesamt kVArh [%.2f VA]"                                               <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                                           {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:kwh:totalkVarh:number"}

    //Treppenhauslicht/Steckdosen (SDM54-T2 Nr 1, Phase 3) 
Number:ElectricPotential    TreppenhausLobbyVoltage             "Spannung [%.2f %unit%]"                                               <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1, gCurrentWatts)                              ["Energy"]    {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:BasisWerte:voltage3:number"}
Number:ElectricCurrent      TreppenhausLobbyCurrent             "Stromstärke [%.2f %unit%]"                                            <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                             ["Energy"]    {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:BasisWerte:current3:number"}
Number:Power                TreppenhausLobbyCurrentWatts        "aktueller Verbrauch [%.2f %unit%]"                                    <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                             ["Power"]     {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:BasisWerte:power3:number"}
Number:Energy               TreppenhausLobbyImportKwh           "L3 Import [%.2f %unit%]"                                              <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                             ["Energy"]    {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:kwh:importKwh3:number"}
Number:Energy               TreppenhausLobbyExportKwh           "L3 Export [%.2f %unit%]"                                              <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                             ["Energy"]    {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:kwh:exportKwh3:number"}
Number:Energy               TreppenhausLobbyTotalKwh            "Gesamtverbrauch [%.2f %unit%]"                                        <energy>    (gSDM54_2T_1)                                             ["Energy"]    {channel="modbus:data:SDM54_1:kwh:totalKwh3:number"}

Hope this is useful for some of you!?

Kind regards,

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