semanticHomeMenu for openHAB 4 - Discussions

Hi, @hmerk

I haven’t implemented the widgets but they look nice and may help a lot of users implement their UI faster. Congratulations to everyone who worked on them!

I have a set of questions and suggestions.

  1. What’s the use of having independent “Armed Home” and “Disarmed” buttons? I hope people don’t have their motion sensors triggering notifications at 02:00 when the cat moves, because that’s what “Armed” implies.

  2. Is the “Armed Away” a sort of “long period” armed status? I have for example a Vacation Away mode which has different rules for a prolonged period. Is that what the “Armed Away” represents?

  3. Instead of having them as widgets, can’t they be provided by default by the MainUI and users just select the ones they want to enable?

  4. It could be useful to support state-full scenes.

  5. Isn’t it easier to use a color picker than the RGB counterpart in the lights widget? How does someone know what to combine to get an orange tone?

  6. A difficult one. The Radiators widget could have set points based on the state (maybe a standard state machine would be required). I think just 2 or 3 (active, sleep, away) are important.

  7. Can they be added to the demo on

I believe this set of widgets bring openHAB a step closer to a standard smart home UI, such as the Home app.

What is the point of the equipment namespace in the uiSemantics metadata? Doesn’t the label of the item do the trick?

Thanks, great you like the project.

As those tree buttons just change a String Item, you can have different rules react on change of that Item.
Users can define different levels of security, a lower leven when they are at home during the night or when they have left their home. E.g. when not at home, also send a message (mail) to somebody else.

Yes, it is a different level of security. Many professional systems implement such different modes.

This is quite not as easy, as they would need to be rewritten as Vue widgets like the standard widgets coming with MainUI. I do not have the Vue skills t do this. Furthermore, this would in some kind break the concept of using the semantic model, if we let the users decide which one to use.
But you can use the widgets as your standard standalone od list widgets.

This has already been asked. If I get a good described feature request at my repository, I could think about it. But keep in mind, that there has been a long discussion whether as scene is statefull or stateless. Conclusion was, a scene is stateless, cause changing only one Item included in the scene will make the scene invalid.
But it would be quite simple to add another widget to enable/disble defined rules, whoch one would use as statefull scenes.

Anything within the qidgets can be changed, but I am not going to publish a version with colorpicker.
If you check the really long main-widget discussion topic, it was a long way to have such a design for the widgets, giving all a nearly identical look and feel. using the colorpicker would brak this.

As said before, everything is possible. The widgets can easily be extended if one needs such a funtionality. But as it will not be the usecase for everone, it will not go into the basic widgets.

Yes, they could, but that would give users a wrong impression. If you follow all posts, you will note that implementing this project needs a bit of work, which easily overwhelmes new users and they get a bad first experience when it is not working as expected.

It could, but this might be a long long was to go.

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Yes and no :wink:
In some places, when no uiSemantics are set, we use the labels. But using it, you can label your Equipment Items different than what you see in the widgets.
E.g, using a standard group popup, you will see the label of the equipment. As I have labeld all my ligts really simple within the floor/room structure, you could only see x-times “CeilingLight” in a group list.
Not really easy to find out which is the right one. Therefore Items can be labeled as e.g. “Ceiling Light Kitchen”, which will identify it correctly. But that would look nast in our widgets, as we have the rooms in a second row.


And when is the location namespace needed/useful?

It is the floor or room you see in the widgets.
Sometimes the retrieval via isPointOf gives wrong results.

Okay, I’ll keep it in mind for troubleshooting.

See here, all room names for window contacts are coming from the location

What you could remove is the preposition part, this was used in older widgets…

Can you please create an issue? Otherwise I will forget this issue …

Sure, but let me do some more testing before.

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I’m getting this error when I’m trying to install part 3:

2024-02-15 22:55:52.532 [ERROR] [munity.CommunityUIWidgetAddonHandler] - Widget from marketplace cannot be downloaded: security

Every other part is installing without a problem.

Need to check. Did not have any issue installing two weeks ago an nothing changed in the meantime.
Btw, do you see this error with the security widget ? This is part 3, not 6.

Yes part 3. Sorry.
In the Shop the error Message says

Installation of add-on marketplace:152208 failed

I’ve made a fork of the timepicker. With this patch it is unnecessary to sacrifice the REST API endpoint (very good user XP). The items will be initialized when using the spinner buttons. No extra ding dong, just works :slight_smile:

As the use case is for roller shutter would it be an option to contribute it to the marketplace add-ons so it will be installed right away with seomanticHomeMenu Add-On?

Thanks for your contribution, I will check in the next couple of days.

What’s ‘Jüchen’ in the documents? Or the real problem: why is it NULL above 14 °? :slight_smile:

Jüchen is my Hometown :wink:
You can set the location manually or have it retrieved with the station item from OWM binding. But you need the local weather and forecast station channel. It is not provided in onecall API.

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I expected as much.

Fixed. Maybe it’s an idea to have the location extracted from the openHAB system, if Localweatherandforecast_StationName is null?

It is, but openHAB just stores the geo coordinate, not a name. There is no easy way to transform the point to a name.
What I can do is adding a default value „My Hometown“ to the widget.