semanticHomeMenu for openHAB 4 - Discussions

@hmerk i also have an issue installing Part 3, i was able to install Part 1 and Part 2 in-case they were per-requisites but Part 3 is still failing saying

[ERROR] [munity.CommunityUIWidgetAddonHandler] - Widget from marketplace cannot be downloaded: security

im using OpenHAB 4.1.2

Sorry, didnā€™t find time to check, will do over the weekendā€¦

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Please try again, fixed a typo with embedded image.

cc @Markus92

Thanks, its working now.

Since i am still a noob with openhab. Im having difficulty understanding how the widgets work.
i come from home-assistant, and this learning curve is really big. Please be gentle to a newcomer.

In the security widget under ā€œConfiguration and Useā€, it says i must create those strings and items etc. Which i have by Adding the Items from Textual Definition. So all is good there.
However i want to understand something, Is there anything else that i need to do?
Am i supposed to create tags?
Am i supposed to put the channel links of the Paradox Alarm States inside the securitySystem_mode item?
Is the rules the final piece of the puzzle that make them work with the widget?

As mentioned i have Paradox Alarm System, and it mqtt picked it up as one Thing. (im not using the official Paradox Binding because it doesnt have support for my panel)
In that thing its picked up all the Zones, Alarm, Armstay, ArmAway, Disarm, all as channels.

I was able to get the Alarm widget states to change colour with some simple rules, however i cannot understand how to capture button press of those states?

I created the following rule just as a test, so that when i push the Disarm button, it will play a sound in this case:

configuration: {}

  • id: ā€œ1ā€
    groupName: securitySystem
    command: disarmed
    type: core.GroupCommandTrigger
  • inputs: {}
    id: ā€œ4ā€
    volume: 100
    sink: enhancedjavasound
    sound: doorbell.mp3
    type: media.PlayAction

It seems this is not doing anything, can you please tell me what im doing wrong here?
I just want one example of how to get this right and then i think i can do the rest.

Thanks in advance.

I donā€™t know anything about the Paradox Alarm system so cannot really assist without seeing your Things and Items.
The widget changes the security mode Item with the desired string. You will need a rule which changes the state of your alarm system according to that string by sending a command to the according item.

I have made very little progress.

I was able to create a rule to update the states of the alarm for arm-home and disarmed, however this only works when i press the little play button within the Rule itself - eg. it arms the alarm and changes the Armed Home to Red in the widget when i go see. But if i go to the widget on the Page layout itself and press the buttons there it does not respond to the the rules i made.

Why is this happening? am i missing something obvious here?

Please donā€˜t send private messages. Discussion and troubleshooting should be public.
When you press the button on the widget, dies it open the keypad ? If not, did you install it ?

No i did not install it. Is it compulsory? On the semantichomemenu-part-3-security-4-0-0-0-4-9-9-9 page, It does not say if it is compulsory for the widget to work. Also i was unable to find it as the link the PinPad points to is https://security/semanticHomeMenu_SecurityKeypad.yaml

Thanks for letting me know. I have corrected the link.
Instructions say that it is mandatory

But I will make it s bit more clear.

Yes, the statement ā€œFor pin secured mode settingā€ immediately implies that its optional which is what confused me. Maybe something like, ā€œthe keypad is mandatory for the security widget to workā€
The semanticHomeMenu_SecurityKeypad is not in marketplace when i search.

Also, i tried configuring the keypad widget manually, and it says we must fill in the groups, as opposed to choosing them in a popup. Could you change/fix that please?

On a sidenote, Ive been trying to configure the security widget with this keypad but not getting anywhere, i suppose that this keypad is not compatible, right?

@hmerk I just realized now that i dont need to configure the semanticHomeMenu_SecurityKeypad, since its a popup, am i right? It seems like it automatically just worked when i installed it.
I pushed the button and it popped up for the pin.

It seems i have finally gotten around to being able to Arm and Disarm with this widget. FINALLY.
This custom alarm & widget integration was quite a painful process i wont lie, since i had to gather bits and pieces of information from everywhere to fully understand. But it was worth it at the end, because it just makes me love OpenHAB even more now after getting to know it.

Hopefully i can get to sort out the sensors and everything else to appear on the widget.

Just 1 question, is the pin supposed to be clearly seen in the securitySystem_PIN item ?
Also how do you hash the pin while typing it in the popup?

i just want to say THANK YOU and for such a fantastic widget.

Thatā€™s intentional, as we have a general keypad widget in the marketplace. We have just slightly modified the original.

It does not need any configuration when used with the security widget. No changes needed.

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Yes, as it is just a string item. We donā€™t have something like a pin item.

It is hot hashed. After pressing one of the buttons, it gets cleared.

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@hmerk sorry for bugging you again, but for some reason everytime i put the PIN in, it doesnt update the securitySystem_PIN string, like it did earlier. i dont know what changed.
I re-installed all the items and the widgets, i even cleared all the cache from openhab and restarted.
it also gives an error in the logs:
[WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined

Any idea where that issue might be coming from?

i didnt make any big changes, but my rule to disarm is

configuration: {}
  - id: "1"
      itemName: securitySystem_PIN
      state: "1"
    type: core.ItemStateUpdateTrigger
  - id: "3"
      itemName: securitySystem_mode
      state: disarm
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
conditions: []
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      command: disarm
      itemName: MG5050_Alarm_Control_Panel_Sensor_Switch_Disarm
    type: core.ItemCommandAction

thanks in advance

Sorry, if it worked before, i cannot assist, as I donā€™t know/see what you changed.

The warning in the logs comes from a widget where you have a missing item.
As it is just a warning, this one can be ignored.

This looks like a switch item. If it is, you can inly send ON or OFF as a command, not a string like ā€ždisarmā€œ.

I am on openhab 4.2.0 and I cannot make the widget work.

Does it require additional configuration apart from naming the items properly?

Here part of my items textual definition

Group                         gHome                                        "Home"                                                                                ["Building"]
Group                         gIndoor                                      "Building"                       <house>               (gHome)                        ["Indoor"]
Group                         gOutdoor                                     "Outdoor"                        <garden>              (gHome)                        ["Outdoor"]

Group                         gBathroom                                    "Bathroom"                       <bath>                (gIndoor)                      ["Bathroom"]                       {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Bathroom", location="Indoor"],widgetOrder="24"}

Group                         CeilingLightBathroom                         "Ceiling Light"                  <lightbulb>           (gBathroom)                    ["Lightbulb"]                      {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Ceiling Light", location="Bathroom"]}
Switch                        CeilingLightBathroom_switch                  "Ceiling Light"                  <lightbulb>           (CeilingLightBathroom)         ["Light", "Switch"]                {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Ceiling Light", location="Bathroom"], channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:BathroomLightSwitch:Bathroom_Light_Power_Switch"}

Group                         gBedroom                                     "Bedroom"                        <bedroom>             (gIndoor)                      ["Bedroom"]                        {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Bedroom", location="Indoor"],widgetOrder="25"}

Group                         hvacBedroom                                  "Air Conditioner"                <climate>             (gBedroom)                     ["HVAC"]                           {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Air Conditioner", location="Bedroom"]}
Switch                        hvacBedroom_power                            "Power"                          <switch>              (hvacBedroom)                  ["Control", "Power"]               {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:power"}
String                        hvacBedroom_mode                             "Mode"                           <temperature_cold>    (hvacBedroom)                  ["Control", "Temperature"]         {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:mode"}
Number:Temperature            hvacBedroom_currentTemp                      "Current Temperature"            <temperature>         (hvacBedroom)                  ["Measurement", "Temperature"]     {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:currentTemperature"}
Number:Temperature            hvacBedroom_targetTemp                       "Target Temperature"             <temperature>         (hvacBedroom)                  ["Temperature", "Setpoint"]        {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:temperature"}
Number                        hvacBedroom_fanSpeed                         "Fan Speed"                      <qualityofservice>    (hvacBedroom)                  ["Wind", "Control"]                {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:windspeed"}
Number                        hvacBedroom_swingVertical                    "Swing Position Up/Down"         <movecontrol>         (hvacBedroom)                  ["Control", "Opening"]             {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:swingUpDown"}
Number                        hvacBedroom_swingHorizontal                  "Swing Position Left/Right"      <movecontrol>         (hvacBedroom)                  ["Control", "Opening"]             {channel="gree:airconditioner:9424b84a9e63:swingLeftRight"}

Group                         CeilingLightBedroom                          "Ceiling Light"                  <lightbulb>           (gBedroom)                     ["Lightbulb"]                      {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Ceiling Light", location="Bedroom"]}
Switch                        CeilingLightBedroom_switch                   "Ceiling Light"                  <lightbulb>           (CeilingLightBedroom)          ["Light", "Switch"]                {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the ", equipment="Ceiling Light", location="Bedroom"], channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:BedroomLightSwitch:BedroomLightSwitch_Power"}

Can you be a bit more precise ?
What does not work ?

I can only see the rooms menu.

No lights are displayed or any other item for that matter.

Did you install the other widgets ?

I did