semanticHomeMenu Part 10 - HVAC [;]

semanticHomeMenu - HVAC


The HVAC widget card used by main_widget will show all kind of HVAC (air conditioner) equipment in a selected room and show controlls based on equipment group members.
Group members need to follow the naming shown in the example Item definition.


Usage and Configuration

Example for textual item import

Group                       hvacChildroom                                                   "HVAC"                                <climate>             (gChildroom)                                          ["HVAC"]                           {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the", equipment="HVAC", location="Childroom"]}
Switch                      hvacChildroom_power                                             "Power"                               <switch>              (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Control", "Power"]
String                      hvacChildroom_mode                                              "Mode"                                <temperature_cold>    (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Control", "Temperature"]
Number:Temperature          hvacChildroom_ambientTemp                                       "Ambient Temperature"                 <temperature>         (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Measurement", "Temperature"]
Number:Temperature          hvacChildroom_targetTemp                                        "Target Temperature"                  <temperature>         (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Temperature", "Setpoint"]
String                      hvacChildroom_fanSpeed                                          "Fan Speed"                           <qualityofservice>    (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Wind", "Control"]
String                      hvacChildroom_vanesUpDown                                       "Vane Position Up/Down"               <movecontrol>         (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Control", "Opening"]
// Some devices have numeric values for mode, fanspeed and vanes position, use a number item instead
//Number                    hvacChildroom_mode                                              "Mode"                                <temperature_cold>    (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Control", "Temperature"]
//Number                    hvacChildroom_fanSpeed                                          "Fan Speed"                           <qualityofservice>    (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Wind", "Control"]
//Number                    hvacChildroom_vanesUpDown                                       "Vane Position Up/Down"               <movecontrol>         (hvacChildroom)                                       ["Control", "Opening"]

Control Mode, Fanspeed and Vane Position use Item options.


Please check openHAB community for discussions and proposals. Do not post on the marketplace topics.


Version 1.0.1

  • ressource link corrected

Version 1.0

  • initial release for openHAB 4


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