Hi, today with a question aboutr telegram new function. Is there a way to send a silent message? It’s a messager without notification.
As it is not described in the telegram binding documentation I doubt that this feature is supported.
You may raise a request for that at https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/issues
Just add to your script.
in my script it is like
# Send Telegram message silent mode
curl -s -X POST "https://api.telegram.org/bot"$token"/sendMessage" -F chat_id=$SendMsgTo -F "text=This has been sent to Telegram in silent mode." -F "disable_notification=$disableNot"
exit 0
Sorry for my ignorance, but this is not a linux console script?
Yes it is
The complete content of the block in the code fences is content of a linux shell script.
The first line ( #!/bin/sh ) is the interpreter to be used for that script.
Thanks, but I was trying to achieve this using telegram binding