How can I send the state of a DateTime item to another DateTime item using a predefined list using the commandOptions action of a UI widget?
I’ve tried a few variations of the following:
component: oh-label-cell
title: set Time
action: options
actionItem: DateTimeItemToBeSet
actionOptions: items.PredefinedDateTimeItemNo1.state=Predefined Time No 1, items.PredefinedDateTimeItemNo1.state=Predefined Time No 2
It works fine when sending DateTime states using the ‘Send command’ action instead of ‘Command options’
This is getting a little but annoying. This is at least the third time in the last few days that I’ve moved a post of yours out of the Tutorials & Examples category. Once again, this category is for posing a tutorial, not for you to request someone write a tutorial for you.
Please do not post in the Tutorials & Examples category again unless you are telling others how to do something. This is not a category for asking questions.
Beyond that I don’t think it can work like this. I don’t think you can reference Items in an Options.
Sorry about that. I’m not doing it on purpose.
Maybe the terminology isn’t clear. Tutorials & Examples Solutions sounds like it should have a solution???
There could be a solution there if someone has posted a tutorial with a solution. The first post of any thread in this category should have directions for how to do something. Not a question asking for help with how to do something.