Sending IR Comand via MQTT (Tasmota)

Hello everybody, hope you are doing great!

Recently I bought a new fan with IR controller and I’m struggling to implement on my OH setup.

I’m used to use like this (working fine to power on my TV):

cmnd/Tasmota_80/IRSEND {“Protocol”:“NEC”,“Bits”:32,“Data”:0x08F748B7}

Output from code running on Arduino:

Decoded NEC: 8F748B7 (32 bits)
Raw (68): 9200 -4600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -600 600 -1600 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -1600 700 -1500 700 -1550 650 -1550 650 -550 600 -1600 650 -1550 700 -1500 700 -500 650 -1600 650 -550 600 -600 600 -1600 650 -550 600 -600 600 -600 600 -1600 650 -550 650 -1550 700 -1500 700 -550 650 -1550 650 -1550 650 -1550 650

This new device, when I tried to read the code by Tasmota console or using Arduino code I got the DEC or HEX, but Protocol UNKNOWN:

HEX: 143226DB
DEC: 338831067

Unknown encoding: 143226DB (32 bits)
Raw (24): 1250 -400 1300 -400 500 -1200 1250 -450 1250 -400 500 -1250 400 -1250 450 -1250 450 -1250 450 -1250 1250 -400 500

I tried used the same sentence (below) but it is not working…

cmnd/Tasmota_80/IRSEND {“Protocol”:“Unknown”,“Bits”:32,“Data”:“0x0143226DB”}

What I need to do when I received unknown protocol?

Thank you in advance,

Team, I found a partial solution!

I re-flash my device with last IR.bin file and I could read the code:

02:04:37.881 MQT: Tasmota_200/RESULT = {“IrReceived”:{“Protocol”:“SYMPHONY”,“Bits”:12,“Data”:“0xD84”,“DataLSB”:“0xB021”,“Repeat”:0}}

Now, the challenge is… Only the IR.bin file is being able to send the command and as I’m using a DIY board with sensors I cannot use this one!

Any idea?
Thank you!!

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