Sensibo widget for openHAB 3

Hi, is this for the V1 Pods, or V2 sky? I’ve got 3 old V1 Pods laying around which I love to get working again. :slight_smile:


I think they interface with the api the same.

They do use the same API key, but the binding requires a MAC, which the old V1 pods don’t have. The newer pods use Wifi, while the V1 pods use a hub through which they connect to the internet. I’ve managed to get the pod’s identities, but cannot add them to the binding because of the lack of forementioned MAC.
Is there a way to modify the binding so that the old V1’s can be reused? I imagine there’s a lot of them just laying around doing nothing :wink:
I’m not a developer but have good technical IT knowledge and am more than willing in participating making this work!

To be honest, it wont be on top of my TODO-list, but someone can create a PR I can certainly find some time to contribute to a review.

There is a feature request for support for Sensibo Air, and I think that will take priority over the old devices :slight_smile:


Thanks, but what is a PR??

PR = Pull request. Someone makes necessary changes to the code, and binding owner and someone from the OpenHab team do code review.

I found a Sensibo API Integration - Based on Rules Sensibo API Integration - Based on Rules
According to its maker it works on the v1 Pods, but is for OH2. Wouldnt that be a good startingpoint?
I bumped that 2 years old discussion, maybe it’ll lead to a working solution :slight_smile:

You will see that I did post in that tread and had mine working with rules for a long time. OH2 and 3 rule engine is the same so you can try and get them working. You may run into permission issue when running command line operations. Most people don’t have the hardware to be able to test to make sure their code is correct. I know you are a beginner however you need to start somewhere and getting it running in the rules would be a good start.

You could also try your luck on

Thanks, will give it a go and report my succes here :smiley: