Serial Binding multiple arduino, multiple sensors

I am reading through the documentation on how to retrieve values from a serial device, an arduino.

The example form the Serial Binding page:

Bridge serial:serialBridge:sensors [serialPort="/dev/ttyUSB01", baudRate=57600]
    Thing serialDevice temperatureSensor [patternMatch="20;05;Cresta;ID=2801;.*"]
            Type number : temperature [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?TEMP=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : humidity [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?HUM=(.*?);.*"]

From the above, I would guess that serial:serialBridge:sensors needs to be unique. I will have at least five arduinos hooked up, so I would use:

serial:serialBridge:arduinoBasement [serialPort="COM2", baudRate=57600]
serial:serialBridge:arduinoUpstairs [serialPort="COM3", baudRate=57600]

and so on?

The arduino is programmed to send a string when a value changes: garage:temp=24.2 or garage:hum=10.4. I can change this if required.

So the Thing line would be
Thing serialDevice garageEnvSensor [patternMatch="garage:.*"]

And the Channels would be:

            Type number : garageTemperature [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?temp=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : garageHumidity [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?hum=(.*?);.*"]

I am also guessing the the stateTransformation parses the regex return for numbers, so I CANNOT send garage:temp1=12.2 or garage:temp2=12.2?

Each arduino will have multiple sensors attached to it, so

// basement arduino
serial:serialBridge:arduinoBasement [serialPort="COM2", baudRate=57600]
    // garage environmental sensors
    Thing serialDevice garageEnvSensors [patternMatch="garage:.*"]
            // match for garage:temp=24.2
            Type number : garageTemperature [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?temp=(.*?);.*"]
            // match for garage:hum=10
            Type number : garageHumidity [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?hum=(.*?);.*"]
            // match for carbon monoxide garage:co=10
            Type number : garageCO [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?co=(.*?);.*"]
    Thing serialDevice frontEnvSensors [patternMatch="outsideFront:.*"]
            Type number : frontTemperature [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?temp=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : frontHumidity [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?hum=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : frontLight [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?light=(.*?);.*"]
    Thing serialDevice utilityEnvSensors [patternMatch="utility:.*"]
            Type number : utilityTemperature [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?temp=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : utilityHumidity [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?hum=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : utilityNatGas [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?natgas=(.*?);.*"]
            Type number : utilityCO [stateTransformation="REGEX:.*?co=(.*?);.*"]

is correct?

I then have the variables garageTemperature, garageHumidity, etc ready to use in the rules and displays?

I have over 250 sensors defined, and this seems to be the easiest way to set them up.

Yes, each Thing must have a unique ID.

I’m not sure what you are asking here.

By the time it gets to the transformation, it’s all a string. The extracted String will be parsed into a numerical value for you when it is passed to the Item.

If you don’t want that, you need to use a different type of Channel, one that accepts strings and can be linked to a String Item.

I don’t know, I don’t have your devices and I don’t know the Serial binding. But why don’t you just worry about getting one arduino with one Channel working and the go from there. If you try to do everything at once and hope to get it right the first time you will surely fail.

Go review/re-review the docs, in particular the Concepts section. Go through the Getting Started Tutorial some too. Pay very close attention to the Items sections.

You can send what you like, but garage:temp1=12.2 simply will not fit in a number type channel/Item.
You can use REGEX to strip out non-numerics if you must use number
you can use REGEX to select only on magic keyword like temp1= then get numeric
It would all fit into a string, which you can further process in a rule if you wished.

Seeing as you have multiple serial devices perhaps physically distant, have you consider an RS485 hardware bus and maybe Modbus protocol?

i also need to Display different String Values on my Openhab

But I am really did not get on with it, can somebody help me?