Set the start and end time of an equipment within the UI Homepage

I would like to set the start and end time of an equipment within the UI Homepage .
If I take a Number:Time “Time1” item I cannot set any value (is it a bug?).
If I take a Number:Temperature “Time2” item I can set very nicely a value but with the wrong dimension.
If I take just a Number “Time3” item I can set a value but the min and max limits are not taken into account (strange behaviour).
I would like to do it as it is done for temperatures.
Is there any proper solution available for setting of numbers within the Homepage? I don´t want to use widgets for this case.
Thank you for your help, Franz

Number:Time         Time1       "Time 1"     ["Setpoint"]       {stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f",min="0", max="24", step="1" ]}
Number:Temperature  Time2       "Time 2"     ["Setpoint"]       {stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f",min="0", max="24", step="1" ]}
Number              Time3       "Time 3"     ["Setpoint"]       {stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.0f",min="0", max="24", step="1" ]}

This is the result in the Equipment Homepage:

Not exactly sure what you want to achieve, but if you want to get a time, number is the wrong item type (also not sure why it should be number: temperature?).

There is a dedicated datetime type you should better use.

For widgets you can use the f7 input type “time” and can also adjust the state description to only show the time part and not the date part.

You will also be able to trigger rules based on the time of your item.

Do you mean a duration when you are talking about “time” (e.g. 2 hours). Or are you referring to an instant in time (if so see @Matze0211’s answer).

Assuming the former…

I take this to mean you want either a slider or a setpoint widget to change the value.

The widget chosen by default depends on the Item type and the semantic tagging. If you are using the semantic model, this Item is most likely to be a Point, not an Equipment. So I would expect two tags for this Item, not just one. Probably “Setpoint” and “Duration”.

But that’s no guarantee that the correct widget will be chosen by default. It makes a best guess but doesn’t always get it right. This is why the default widget Item metadata exists. You can set the desired widget you want to have shown on the Overview Pages by setting the “default list item widget” to define exactly how you want it to appear.

Sorry, being not clear enough. Thank you for the input
Actually I want to have a simple solution to define the daily start hour and end hour of an equipment (heating, ventilation…). My idea is to do it in the equipment or property tab of the default MainUI homepage. But I experienced that the visual result in the homepage is dependent on the item definition and tag …
I the meantime I played around with the DateTime type. Is it possible to use just the time part as input in the default MainUI tabs?

Yes, set the inputmode property to text and the type property to time and you’ll get a nice time selection widget when you click on it. Link it to a DateTime Item and when you use that Item, simply ignore the Year/Month/Day part.

had to solve a similar task -program a (OSRAM) switch with start time, end time and duration.

I did it using the widgets on a page which looks like:

The item looks like e.g.

and the resulting code for the page is:

  fixedType: canvas
  gridEnable: true
  hideNavbar: true
  hideSidebarIcon: true
  label: Schalter
  layoutType: fixed
  screenHeight: 720
  screenWidth: 1290
  sidebar: false
blocks: []
masonry: null
grid: []
  - component: oh-canvas-layer
    config: {}
        - component: oh-canvas-item
            h: 200
            notStyled: true
            w: 300
            x: 40
            y: 40
              - component: oh-input-card
                  clearButton: true
                  footer: Schaltsteckdose OSRAM 3
                  item: Schaltzeit
                  name: Schaltzeit
                  outline: true
                  sendButton: true
                  showTime: true
                  title: Einschaltzeit
                  type: datetime-local
                  useDisplayState: true
                  validate: true
        - component: oh-canvas-item
            h: 200
            notStyled: true
            w: 200
            x: 360
            y: 40
              - component: oh-knob-card
                  footer: 0 = unbegrenzt -> Ausschatzeit setzen!
                  item: Schalter3Osram_OSRAM_Dauer
                  max: 14400
                  min: 0
                  outline: true
                  releaseOnly: true
                  stepSize: 60
                  title: Einschaltdauer (s)
        - component: oh-canvas-item
            h: 200
            notStyled: true
            w: 200
            x: 360
            y: 260
              - component: oh-toggle-card
                  color: green
                  footer: Schaltsteckdose OSRAM3
                  item: Schalter3Osram_OSRAM_Betrieb
                  outline: true
                  title: Schalter
        - component: oh-canvas-item
            h: 200
            notStyled: true
            w: 300
            x: 40
            y: 260
              - component: oh-input-card
                  clearButton: true
                  footer: Schaltsteckdose OSRAM 3
                  item: Ausschaltzeit
                  name: Ausschlatzeit
                  outline: true
                  sendButton: true
                  showTime: true
                  title: Ausschaltzeit
                  type: datetime-local
                  useDisplayState: true

Thank you for the hint. I changed it in the Metadata / Default LIst Item Widget, right? This is a rather hidden but powerful feature! In the documentation it is not described well as it looks like. Would be nice to have a better presentation/explanation of usage.

Correct, but since you are using .items file you’d probably be better off defining it there instead.

It’s covered in Getting Started. Updates and improvements to the docs are always welcome.