I have the following sitemap extension:
Frame {
Text label="Optionen" icon="pantry"{
Frame {
Text label="Log" {
Webview label="Log" url="" height=16
Frame label="Einstellungen" {
Setpoint item=minutes_auto_off_kaffee label="Auto-Off Timer Kaffeemaschine [%.0f Min.]" icon="coffee-machine" minValue="10" maxValue="60" step="5"
When I change the value by pressing the up or down arrow, the displayed value didn’t change. After reloading the site by browser the value changed to the actual value.
Is there something wrong with my sitemap? The other problem is, that the value changed in 1 minute steps and not like configured in 5 minute steps. Any hint for me.
Thank you and have a nice evening!
In Addition: I have tested my sitemap with classic UI and there is no problem. The problem only exists under basic UI.