Setpoint not working in Mobile App (Android & iOS)

The Setpoint functions works via Web Browser but does not work in both Android & iOS.
When i press the “+” and “-” in the mobile app, it does not call the http commands but when i press the “Up” and “Down” via Web Browser, it works well.

When the AC is turned on with a default temperature, the Setpoint item will appear so that i can adjust the temperature if required.
Using a IR blaster with HTTP urls to send out IR commands to my AC.

OpenHAB Version: 1.8.3
OS: Debian on Raspberry Pi
Java: 1.8.0_111

Phone: Oneplus 3 Android 7.0 Latest OpenHAB Mobile App installed from Google Play Store
Tablet: iPad Mini 2 with iOS 10.2 Latest OpenHAB Mobile App installed from App Store


Switch item=Hall_AC
Setpoint item=HallACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[Hall_AC==ON]


Number HallACSetpoint "Target Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (All) { http=">[26:GET:http://XXX1] >[25:GET:http://XXX2] >[24:GET:http://XXX3] >[23:GET:http://XXX4]" } 


rule "Hall AC on Setpoint"
		Item Hall_AC received command ON
		postUpdate( HallACSetpoint, 24 )

Can someone help to point me in the right direction ?

Post your entire Sitemap file. You may have syntax errors or missing elements that are confusing your mobile apps. (The mobile apps are less tolerant of errors than standard web browsers, it seems to me.)

Be sure to elide or change any sensitive personal info your Sitemap file may contain.

sitemap default label="My Smart Home"
	Frame label="Automation"	
		Switch item=Everything_Off 	mappings=[ON="Start"]
		Switch item=Good_Night		mappings=[ON="Start"]

	Frame label="Location"	
		Text label="First Floor" icon="FF"
				Switch item=FF_All 	mappings=[ON="All On",OFF="All Off"]
			Frame label="Lights"
				Switch item=Dining_Light
				Switch item=Cove_Light
				Switch item=Side_Light
				Switch item=TV_Light_1
				Switch item=TV_Light_2
				Switch item=Kitchen_Light
			Frame label="Cooling"
				Text 	item=FF_Temperature valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Switch 	item=FF_Fan
				Switch 	item=FF_AC
				Setpoint item=FFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[FF_AC==ON]
			Frame label="TV"
				Switch item=FF_TV 
				Switch item=TVVolume 	mappings=[ON="+",OFF="-"] visibility=[Hall_TV==ON]
				Switch item=TVmute		mappings=[ON="Mute/UnMute"] visibility=[Hall_TV==ON]
				Switch item=TVChannel	mappings=[ON="Up",OFF="Down"] visibility=[Hall_TV==ON]
				Switch item=TVHDMI		mappings=[ON="Input Change"] visibility=[Hall_TV==ON]
				Switch item=TVOK		mappings=[ON="OK"] visibility=[Hall_TV==ON]
				Switch item=FF_Android_TV
				Switch item=FF_Soundbar mappings=[ON="On/Off"]
				Switch item=FF_Soundbar_MP3 mappings=[ON="Play"]
				Switch item=Sofa_Combo
			Frame label="Sensor"
				Text item=Door 				valuecolor=[CLOSED="green",OPEN="red"]
				Text item=Kitchen_Motion 	valuecolor=[CLOSED="green",OPEN="red"]
		Text label="Second Floor" icon="SF"
				Switch item=SF_All 	mappings=[ON="All On",OFF="All Off"]
			Frame label="Lights"
				Switch item=SF_Light_1
				Switch item=SF_Light_2
				Switch item=SF_Floor_Light
				Switch item=Desktop 			mappings=[ON="Turn On"]
			Frame label="Cooling"
				Text 	item=SF_Temperature valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Switch 	item=SF_Fan
				Switch 	item=SF_AC
				Setpoint item=SFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[SF_AC==ON]
		Text label="Third Floor" icon="TF"
				Switch item=TF_All 	mappings=[ON="All On",OFF="All Off"]
			Frame label="Lights"
				Switch item=TF_Light
			Frame label="Cooling"
				Text 	item=TF_Temperature 	valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Switch 	item=TF_AC
				Setpoint item=TFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[TF_AC==ON]
		Text label="4th Floor" icon="4F"
				Switch item=4F_All 	mappings=[ON="All On",OFF="All Off"]
			Frame label="Lights"
				Switch item=4F_Door_Light
				Switch item=4F_Bed_Light
			Frame label="Cooling"
				Text item=4F_Temperature 	valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Switch item=4F_AC
				Setpoint item=4FACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[4F_AC==ON]
	Frame label="Type"	
		Text label="Lightings" icon="lights"
				Switch item=Light_All 	mappings=[ON="All On",OFF="All Off"]
			Frame label="First Floor"
				Switch item=Dining_Light
				Switch item=Cove_Light
				Switch item=Side_Light
				Switch item=TV_Light_1
				Switch item=TV_Light_2
				Switch item=Kitchen_Light
			Frame label="Second Floor"
				Switch item=SF_Light_1
				Switch item=SF_Light_2
				Switch item=SF_Floor_Light
			Frame label="Third Floor"
				Switch item=TF_Light
			Frame label="4th Floor"
				Switch item=4F_Door_Light
				Switch item=4F_Bed_Light
		Text label="Cooling" icon="cooling"
				Switch item=Cooling_All mappings=[ON="All On",OFF="All Off"]
			Frame label="AC"
				Switch item=FF_AC
				Setpoint item=FFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[FF_AC==ON]
				Switch item=SF_AC
				Setpoint item=SFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[SF_AC==ON]
				Switch item=TF_AC
				Setpoint item=TFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[TF_AC==ON]
				Switch item=4F_AC
				Setpoint item=4FACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[4F_AC==ON]
			Frame label="Fan"
				Switch item=FF_Fan
				Switch item=SF_Fan
		Text label="Sensors" icon="radar"
			Frame label="First Floor"
				Text item=Door 			valuecolor=[CLOSED="green",OPEN="red"]
				Text item=Door_Batt		valuecolor=[<21="red"]
				Text item=Door_Update
			Frame label="Kitchen"
				Text item=Kitchen_Motion 	valuecolor=[CLOSED="green",OPEN="red"]
				Text item=Kitchen_Temp 		valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Text item=Kitchen_Hum 		valuecolor=[>50="blue",>35="green",<=35="red"]
				Text item=Kitchen_Lux
				Text item=Kitchen_Batt 		valuecolor=[<21="red"]
				Text item=Kitchen_Update
		Text label="Temperature" icon="temperature"
				Text item=FF_Temperature 	valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Text item=Kitchen_Temp 		valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Text item=SF_Temperature 	valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Text item=TF_Temperature 	valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Text item=4F_Temperature 	valuecolor=[>40="red",>20="green",<=20="blue"]
				Text label="First Floor Temp Chart" icon="chart"
						Switch item=FF_Temp_Chart_Period label="Period" mappings=[0="Hour", 1="Day", 2="Week"]
						Chart item=FF_Temperature period=h refresh=60000 visibility=[Hall_Temp_Chart_Period==0]
						Chart item=FF_Temperature period=D refresh=60000 visibility=[Hall_Temp_Chart_Period==1]
						Chart item=FF_Temperature period=W refresh=60000 visibility=[Hall_Temp_Chart_Period==2]
				Text label="Kitchen Chart" icon="chart"
						Switch item=Kitchen_Temp_Chart_Period label="Period" mappings=[0="Hour", 1="Day", 2="Week"]
						Chart item=Kitchen_Temp period=h refresh=60000 visibility=[Kitchen_Temp_Chart_Period==0]
						Chart item=Kitchen_Temp period=D refresh=60000 visibility=[Kitchen_Temp_Chart_Period==1]
						Chart item=Kitchen_Temp period=W refresh=60000 visibility=[Kitchen_Temp_Chart_Period==2]
				Text label="Second Floor Temp Chart" icon="chart"
						Switch item=SF_Temp_Chart_Period label="Period" mappings=[0="Hour", 1="Day", 2="Week"]
						Chart item=SF_Temperature period=h refresh=60000 visibility=[Study_Temp_Chart_Period==0]
						Chart item=SF_Temperature period=D refresh=60000 visibility=[Study_Temp_Chart_Period==1]
						Chart item=SF_Temperature period=W refresh=60000 visibility=[Study_Temp_Chart_Period==2]
				Text label="Third Floor Temp Chart" icon="chart"
						Switch item=TF_Temp_Chart_Period label="Period" mappings=[0="Hour", 1="Day", 2="Week"]
						Chart item=TF_Temperature period=h refresh=60000 visibility=[Bedroom_Temp_Chart_Period==0]
						Chart item=TF_Temperature period=D refresh=60000 visibility=[Bedroom_Temp_Chart_Period==1]
						Chart item=TF_Temperature period=W refresh=60000 visibility=[Bedroom_Temp_Chart_Period==2]
				Text label="4th Floor Temp Chart" icon="chart"
						Switch item=4F_Temp_Chart_Period label="Period" mappings=[0="Hour", 1="Day", 2="Week"]
						Chart item=4F_Temperature period=h refresh=60000 visibility=[Master_Temp_Chart_Period==0]
						Chart item=4F_Temperature period=D refresh=60000 visibility=[Master_Temp_Chart_Period==1]
						Chart item=4F_Temperature period=W refresh=60000 visibility=[Master_Temp_Chart_Period==2]

Moderately complex site map. Suggest you make a new test sitemap containing just one frame, one switch, and one set point, and test that.

Be sure the new sitemap has the 1st-line directive in it, as follows, and be sure the sitemap file name matches the sitemap definition name.

In this example, the file name will be:

   sitemap bluehouse label "Test Sitemap" {
    // your test stuff goes here
    }   //closure of sitemap "bluehouse" definition

If your setpoint item works in this simple test, it’s an issue with your other sitemap architecture or syntax. If it fails this simple test the issue is elsewhere.

@globramma tried your suggestion to isolate the problem but still having the same problem and could not find out where the problem was.

sitemap default label="testing"
        Switch item=FF_AC
        Setpoint item=FFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[FF_AC==ON]
        Switch item=SF_AC
        Setpoint item=SFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[SF_AC==ON]
        Switch item=TF_AC
        Setpoint item=TFACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[TF_AC==ON]
        Switch item=4F_AC
        Setpoint item=4FACSetpoint minValue=23 maxValue=26 step=1 visibility=[4F_AC==ON]

Anyone with the same issue and manage to resolve ? Or it is a bug that i should report in the Github ?

For comparison I am running Ubuntu 16.0.4 LTS on Intel Core Solo cpu.
My java version is: “1.8.0_91”

I also have Android & iPad / iOS Openhab apps and my setpoint sitemap features work fine with them.

I notice you are using the same variable names as in your main system / environment. Suggest that for testing purposes you make just one or two new Items and a simple brand new Rule as well. Don’t tie anything in with your existing code. That will help to further isolate the problem.

Also turn on TRACE level debugging & watch your logs carefully.

Are you running any http proxies or any other software or hardware (such as firewalls) that intermediate between Openhab port 8080 and your iOS / Android clients?

Anyone faced this problem before and manage to solve?

For the record, i did tried the following but still could not work.

  • A whole new different sitemap
  • A brand new setup using OpenHAB 2.0
  • Using different Android versions and phone, using iPad2 and iPhone6 and iPhone7

Maybe if anyone manage to use setpoint items on their mobile apps can share their items and sitemap settings here for comparison?

May sound silly but try changing:
[%.1f °C]
in your item definition.
I’ve got about a dozen setpoints working OK in HabDroid with this.
Fiddeling around with sliders i noticed the android app is pretty picky concerning these placeholders. Changed placeholder to something(can’t remember what) and they stopped working. changed it back and they worked again…

Tried Oli suggestion but could not work too on my setup.

Gotten a reply on github

Below is the reason why setpoint does not work on the mobile apps.
This is an issue with the REST api we are using in OH. We need to switch to using the event socket endpoint which is what the paperui/basicui/habmin use. This will require a refactoring of the network code which is why it has not been done yet

same for me.
one setpoint is not adjustable in the openhab app, others are.
Is there a plan when this issue is planed to be fixed?

I’m experiencing on iPhone a malfunctioning SetPoint after App update. It worked before, but since last update (with new more slim logo) it stopped working. The value used to be 21’C, but now shows 0’C.

It does work on PaperUI and Android App, only iPhone shows it incorrect.

Setpoint  item=SensiboTarget   label="Target [%.0f ºC]"  icon="heating" minValue=18 maxValue=26 step=1.0


I’m faising the same issue on my iPhone
After last update with new icon I unable to set value in setpoint .
From web interface everything is working properly.

As a workaround set step to 0.5 or 1.5
This will make the setpoint work again

Confirmed, that solved it as a workaround.

I am having the same issue listed above with setpoint, I have tried the workarounds mentioned above and it still does not send the command to my nest thermostat from the iOS app, it works from the basicUI interface. I searched and found other threads all saying it is no longer an issue, not sure what to try next.

Can you open a thread with the category “iOS App”?

@TootToot168 I tried your sitemap and item from the GitHub issue and it works for me. Do you still have this issue?