Setting up Qivicon Stick with Zigbee Binding on Raspberry Pi with openHABian

I was involved helping @Philip_J to get this stick to run, unfortunately we had to do some additional steps as described in the first post that were not documented. So we were wondering whether those additional steps are needed or whether we had some other problem with the setup and only what is already documented is needed.

We were rather talking about those (maybe not needed) additional steps for that device, which makes it harder to set it up. Adding that to the documentation would help others knowing that this particular stick is harder to use.

I want to, indeed. However, first I wanted to make sure that those additional, currently undocumented steps are really needed. Maybe we also made mistakes when setting it up and figured some unusual workaround that works, but is not the correct way to go. So I’d like to ask for some additional details before adding something that might be wrong to the documentation.

After some digging I also found the thread where I have asked about the Qivicon stick and you told that on Linux there should not be additional steps needed (that made me think we were doing something wrong):

The following quote seems to only apply to Windows and Mac, so Linux should be fine probably:

Also ping to some users, who apparently got the stick to work on their devices:

@algo4711, @PresidentDoener, @mwick83, @gck303