Hi Folks,
I just updated to Release 2.5.4 to connect my SolarEdge SE8K using the new modbus-sunspec Binding. I installed Modbus Binding and Sunspec and created the Bridge and Inverter Things using PaperUI:
Although the SE8K is a 3 phase inverter, I used the single phase inverter Thing because it’s the only one the Binding seems to offer:
Then I configured the items in an item file:
// SolarEdge SE8K
Number:Temperature PV_WR_CaseTemperature "WR Temperatur Gehäuse [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:deviceInformation#cabinet-temperature"}
Number:Temperature PV_WR_HeatsinkTemperature "WR Temperatur Kühlkörper [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:deviceInformation#heatsink-temperature"}
Number:Temperature PV_WR_TransformerTemperature "WR Temperatur Transformator [%.1f °C]" <temperature> {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:deviceInformation#transformer-temperature"}
String PV_WR_Status "WR Status" {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:deviceInformation#status"}
Number:ElectricCurrent PV_WR_AC_Total "WR AC Strom [%.1f A]" {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:acGeneral#ac-total-current"}
Number:Power PV_WR_Power "PV Leistung [%.1f W]" {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:acGeneral#ac-power"}
Number:Frequency PV_WR_Frequency "AC Frequenz [%.2f Hz]" {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:acGeneral#ac-frequency"}
Number PV_WR_Powerfactor "Leistungsfaktor [%.2f]" {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:acGeneral#ac-power-factor"}
Number:Power PV_WR_PowerTotal "PV Leistung Gesamt [%.1f Wh]" {channel="modbus:inverter-single-phase:795e6134:acGeneral#ac-lifetime-energy"}
But I get no readings:
Is there some documentation on using the Sunspec Binding or does anybody have an hint on where to start debugging?
Both things are marked as online, but how can I tell if the Modbus-TCP connection works?
Many thanks for your help in advance!