Setup Openhab 2.4 Environment


Is it possible to setup an Eclipse IDE environment for Openhab 2.4? I have developed some bindings for 2.4 and not yet ready to move to 2.5 yet. If yes, please share with me a link to do it. Thanks

My opinion is that trying to develop for 2.4 would be a pointlessly painful process. You probably should just update to 2.5.

Not everyone is ready to follow the trend to move on because of many site deployments.

You can use the current ide and it is still possible to use the binding with 2.4. There are some small different constructions that are 2.5 specific, but you can still use the 2.4 construction. And if you need external dependencies you need to include the libs. But that is not 2.4 specific, but a general issue when having a jar. In 2.5 this can build a kar file.